The Role of Psychics

The New Age era has seen clairvoyance raised to a growth industry. The demand for supernatural guidance seems limitless. And yet all too often consultations with psychics leave us disappointed. Why?

The primary role of psychics is to demonstrate to us our true Spiritual nature that we might spend less time chasing meaningless trivia and more on the important stuff. But too many approach psychics in order to abdicate their own free will.

Most psychics are genuine, but where money is available it’s hardly surprising there are a few charlatans. Choose your psychic(s) carefully. Be guided by reputation, but above all by your inner voice.

We are born to learn and grow. We are given free will that we might do so. Why then are we so surprised that the Spirit realm won’t invalidate our gift by making our choices for us?

Treat all psychic consultations with an open mind. Never blindly accept. Always apply your own judgement.


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