Ever feel you spend most of you time and energy facing problems? Does life seem nothing more than an incessant stream of difficulties?
If so, take heart that you are not alone. According to American Psychological Association 54% of Americans are concerned about the level of stress in their everyday lives (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/19/AR2007011901430.html) while in the U.K. stress is believed to be responsible for 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses (UK HSE stress statistics quoted at http://www.businessballs.com/stressmanagement.htm)
A major problem is that we tend to notice the negatives, while taking for granted (ie simply not noticing) the vary many positives that fill our lives.
It’s the oldest cliché in the book, but a few moments taking stock of your many reasons to be cheerful really is a powerful antidote to depression and stress. Here’s but a few suggestions to kick you off…
* You’re alive. Life can be challenging, but it’s a wonderful adventure. You chose to come here, it doesn’t last for ever – in fact on cosmic timescales it’s not a bat of a flea’s eyelid – so make the most of it, squeeze every ounce of living from the experience.
* Your family and loved ones. Your close family is your most precious possession. Feeling human love and companionship is a truly Spiritual experience that reminds us of the oneness of all. If you are a parent, how much is your child’s joy magnified within you. And even if you are currently alone then surely at some time you will have been loved by someone. That’s an amazing experience, the effects of which can never be lost.
* Your health. If you’re 100% fit – great! That’s something many people would give their entire fortune for. And if, like many, you carry some affliction, be grateful for the health you do enjoy. Don’t think about the X% of stuff you can’t do, rejoice at the (100-X)% you can.
* Your life experiences. You’ve already come a long way to get where you are today. You’ve had some good times, and some hard times. But all of them have given you valuable experience, and that’s something no amount of money can buy. As the gray man said in rejecting the offer of dye, “I’m proud of my gray hairs, I’ve earned every one!” But don’t stop there. Look forward to the myriad adventureses still to come. And reflect on the knowledge that you are the chief architect of all your many experiences yet to unfold.
* The beauty of nature. Whether you’re a city or rural dweller, nature is all around. Take the time to appreciate and to wonder at it. The blue sky, green leaves, bird song, the feeling of sun, wind or rain upon your face. It’s all magical. Catch a nature program on TV and you may be amazed just how diverse and fantastic is the universe of which you too are part.
* The wonders of art and literature. Visit a library or museum. See just how much quantity and quality has come from the pure creativity of the human Spirit, and how much has been shared with the world. You may even be inspired to create yourself.
* The ability to give. However dark things may seem, there is always another worse off than you. Giving produces a tremendous feeling of satisfaction. It doesn’t have to be financial, it can be taking time to help another, or just a kindly word or smile.
* Your possessions. Material things are not your purpose in life, but they can lighten the load. Be they many or few, be thankful for the things that bring you comfort.
So, never forget to focus on the positive. You have so many reasons to be cheerful. Your problems will still exist tomorrow, but placing them in perspective will make them more manageable.
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