Category: paranormal phenomena

  • Synchronicity, Cause and Effect

    The term Synchronicity was introduced by psychologist Carl Gustav (C.G.) to describe meaningful coincidence in his classic 1950 essay Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. Jung makes an eloquent attempt to define synchronicity as an alternative to cause and effect as a connecting principle. Jung’s theory is paralleled by the paradigm-shifting discoveries in physics of relativity and quantum mechanics which shattered the then widely held belief in a deterministic, “clockwork” universe.

    If reality is likened to an ocean, infinite in both expanse and depth, then the material universe is the surface of that ocean, and the non-physical its vast depths. Synchronicity is the observable effects of submerged activity upon the surface. This hidden activity is beyond human understanding, but we do, on occasion, glimpse its effects.

    Causality vs Probability

    In a causal/deterministic (model of) reality, cause precedes effect thus:

    cause and effect (more…)

  • Mother’s Day Message from the Least Expected!

    Forever Family Foundation Releases Special Recordings


    Oceanside, NY, May 1, 2010 – Forever Family Foundation has created the attached Public Service Announcement to offer support and hope to bereaved families who suffer during holiday time. (more…)

  • Truly Shocking Photo

    By Donald Ryles PhD, CH

    I have recently been working toward my certification as a Paranormal Investigator and have been studying how to analyze suspected paranormal photographs. The study got me to remembering and thinking about probably the most incredible paranormal photo I have ever seen.

    When I was around the age of 12-13…some 30 odd years ago…my interest in the paranormal was just beginning in earnest. Anything that was unusual began to interest and even fascinate me. The Bermuda Triangle, UFO’s, hauntings, anything along that line. My father had told me many “Ghost Stories” that had been passed down in his family and held as absolute fact, but he himself was somewhat of a skeptic of such things. Since I had developed such as strong interest in the subjects he tried to help me in my pursuit though. (more…)

  • The Meaning of Coincidence

    Coincidence is where two or more unrelated things seem to occur in close enough proximity to suggest some relationship between them. Eg you dream of a school friend you haven’t heard from for years only to get a reunion invitation from that same person next day.

    Between getting the idea for this post and actually writing it a friend told me of two instances when people she hadn’t seen for ages came into her mind. The first she ran into on the street next day, and the second happened to be on the TV when she walked into the next room! And, on the day I posted this, I happened to be flicking through the TV channels and started watching an old series (of about 80 episodes). Bizarrely the episode being shown was the same that I happened upon over 4 years ago also by channel-flicking. I don’t follow this series and don’t recall having watched it inbetween times. Coincidence, or what? (more…)

  • Are Orbs of Light Manifestations of Spirit?

    Yesterday the English Daily Mail continued to enhance its reputation as one of the more open-minded newspapers by publishing “Is this the proof that spirits DO exist?” an article on the mysterious orbs of light that have been appearing inexplicably on increasing numbers of photographs.

    The phenomena has been investigated by NASA scientist Klaus Heinemann, PhD after he noticed the phenomena on a number of his wife’s pictures. At first Heinemann applied his considerable scientific knowledge in an attempt to find a physical explanation. However after failing to do so he began to consider non-material causes.

    Heinemann presented his theories at the ORBS: What Is Going On? Prophets Conference, Sedona, AZ, May 2007, stating “The implications of a realization that we are ‘surrounded by a cloud of witnesses’ are enormous – and, I might add, incredibly hopeful at large.”

    Spiritual mediums have long held that rather than being in a distinct place/time the Spirit world is actually all around us, only vibrating at a higher rate than physical matter. Communication takes place when a medium is able to raise their vibrations and Spirit lowers theirs. Natural “sensitives” are those with naturally higher vibrations.

    Might it be that Spirit have found a way to lower their vibrations to the extent they are able to affect modern gadgetry, or that they particularly feel the need to remind us of their presence in these troubled times for the world?

    Heinemann has co-authored a book on orbs with Miceal Ledwith (a former theology professor who was President of National University of Ireland Maynooth College at the  for ten years). The Orb Project will be published in November 2007.