Category: nostradamus

  • Nostradamus His Predictions

    Author: ATrujillo

    Just about everyone has heard of Nostradamus, the man who made all those famous predictions about 500 years ago. Nostradamus (Michele de Nostradame) was born in Saint Remi, southern France in 1503 and was raised as a Roman Catholic. He was a French doctor and astrologer. Nostradamus was educated as a physician and was noted for using innovative methods to treat victims of the bubonic plagues in the 16Th century. Nostradamus’s reliance on sanitary precautions aided his growing renown as a doctor. His use of innovative methods of treatment and his success in curing extremely ill patients earned him a reputation as a specially gifted healer. (more…)

  • December 21, 2012 and Nostradamus Have Been Scaring People on the History Channel

    Author: FavianTorre

    I guess the idea of the world ending as we know it can be a scary proposition, and sensationalizing the negative possibilities is much less boring than the happy ending. Perhaps that’s why horror movies do so well. It’s just more fun to watch something scary than something that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling about the future. Aren’t we supposed to be scared about the future anyway? It’s so intimidating and capricious. (more…)

  • The 2012 prediction of Nostradamus

    Author: Frank Myhre

    Nostradamus, a prophet who lived in the 16th century is given a lot of attention these days. Did he predict the end of the world? What did he predict for 2012? Lets find out what Nostradamus predicted. (more…)

  • Nostradamus End of World Theories

    Are Nostradamus’ Predictions Coming True?

    Author: Cliona Crench

    Throughout the years, many people have predicted the end of the world, but perhaps the most notorious of these future seers is Nostradamus. Few psychics have had the degree of success at making predictions that we’ve seen from Nostradamus. He lived from 1503 to 1566 and historians and observers believe that approximately fifty percent of his predictions have already come true. (more…)

  • On Nostradamus and Statistical Probabilities

    Author: Morten St. George

    Everyone knows that it is impossible to foresee the future. Well, believers in astrology, tarot cards, psychic powers, black magic, crystal balls, and so forth, may take exception to this but their beliefs have been generally discredited by the world’s scientific community. Indeed, to predict a future event with complete accuracy and full confidence would essentially involve calculating the long-term interaction of every atom in the nearby universe, clearly an impossible task. (more…)