Category: coincidence and synchronicity

  • A “wrong” text

    My partner is in process of booking a hotel for a short stay in early Sept for her, me, and our daughter. Yesterday she received a text saying they will arrange a cake saying ‘Happy Birthday A****’. A**** is our daughter’s name, and her birthday is around the time of the trip. But we hadn’t told the hotel our daughter’s name, nor her birthday. It turns out the text was sent mistakenly and was actually for another person. Bizarre coincidence, or synchronicity.

    This kind of stuff is not uncommon. But does it have some meaning? Like sometimes getting or being given a glimpse of the susally hidden greater reality?, or the spirits of actual departed loved ones letting you know they’re still around?, or merely the law of large numbers?

  • The Japanese House

    Coincidence or Synchronicity?

    I’m currently living in a small town in England that is not remotely multicultural / internationally-minded. Recently, I often think about my grandmother (obaachan) and her house in Japan, sadly no longer there. She had a music box in the form of a house of similar style to her home.

    A couple of weeks ago I was feeling ‘down’, having had a disagreement with my daughter. I decided to book an appointment with a psychic, seeking guidance / reassurance.

    On my way to the psychic I happened to notice a model of a Japanese house in the centre of the window of a second-hand shop. The shopkeeper told me it had belonged to a man who’d died, and indeed was a music box, although that was no longer working. My grandmother’s house had a water wheel outside, this one a well.

    Japanese house

    I felt that finding the house was a sign from obaachan. The meeting with the psychic pinpointed many of the most significant issues in my life and was very helpful. Was this also her influence? (more…)

  • Scientists and the Paranormal

    Plenty of people report paranormal experiences, but when those accounts come from prominent members of the scientific community might they be even more significant? Scientists are trained to be objective, and those that reach the top of their profession have had their objectivity endorsed by their peers.

    Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, founder of Jungian analysis and originator of the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator, had several paranormal experiences. (more…)

  • Some Personal Psychic Experiences and their Implications

    Throughout history humans have reported experiencing phenomena that could not be explained by the known laws of nature. There is now a vast catalog of such experiences, and indeed if one raises the topic of the paranormal in any group it’s usually the case that at least one member has experienced something strange.

    Over the past century or so we have adopted a more systematic approach to the study of the paranormal, from the formation of learned societies for psychical research, through the many experiments and masses of data collected by J B Rhine to modern parapsychological research employing latest technologies. The statistical method of meta-analysis, which allows the results of multiple studies to be combined, reveals the odds against chance for the amassed evidence to be immense. (more…)

  • How to manipulate your reality using synchronicity

    by Jim Francis

    Luck and Synchronicity

    These two human attributes appear to be tied closely together.

    If you are able to recognize a series of “meaningful coincidences” in your life …and ACT on them …it almost always results in a sudden spectacular burst of what one considers to be brilliant good luck!

    The problem is that most individuals do not recognize these synchronistic events, because they are not always related. (more…)

  • Synchronicity, Cause and Effect

    The term Synchronicity was introduced by psychologist Carl Gustav (C.G.) to describe meaningful coincidence in his classic 1950 essay Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. Jung makes an eloquent attempt to define synchronicity as an alternative to cause and effect as a connecting principle. Jung’s theory is paralleled by the paradigm-shifting discoveries in physics of relativity and quantum mechanics which shattered the then widely held belief in a deterministic, “clockwork” universe.

    If reality is likened to an ocean, infinite in both expanse and depth, then the material universe is the surface of that ocean, and the non-physical its vast depths. Synchronicity is the observable effects of submerged activity upon the surface. This hidden activity is beyond human understanding, but we do, on occasion, glimpse its effects.

    Causality vs Probability

    In a causal/deterministic (model of) reality, cause precedes effect thus:

    cause and effect (more…)

  • The Meaning of Coincidence

    Coincidence is where two or more unrelated things seem to occur in close enough proximity to suggest some relationship between them. Eg you dream of a school friend you haven’t heard from for years only to get a reunion invitation from that same person next day.

    Between getting the idea for this post and actually writing it a friend told me of two instances when people she hadn’t seen for ages came into her mind. The first she ran into on the street next day, and the second happened to be on the TV when she walked into the next room! And, on the day I posted this, I happened to be flicking through the TV channels and started watching an old series (of about 80 episodes). Bizarrely the episode being shown was the same that I happened upon over 4 years ago also by channel-flicking. I don’t follow this series and don’t recall having watched it inbetween times. Coincidence, or what? (more…)