new age spirituality

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Beyond the Veil

Death Evil Free Will Karma Love
Mediumship Pathway Pride Psychism Time


Psychism is the ability to attune oneself to that which lies beyond the physical universe and in so doing to attain knowledge which would not otherwise be available. Or in the case of pk to use our will to influence physical reality in ways which would not otherwise be possible.

Psychism is as natural as the ability to run, lift weights or do mathematics. And like these more mundane talents the capacity for doing it varies according to the individual. But also like these practical skills it is something that each of us is capable of and something in which our abilities may be increased by the appropriate practice.

We are essentially spiritual beings, and yet while earth bound our spiritual side is submerged by the demands of day-to-day survival. And as our spirituality is de-emphasized so our capacity for psychism diminishes. But we can allow space for our spirit to fulfil its potential even in our present state of existence.

Make time each day to be alone with your thoughts. If you can, meditate, otherwise just find a little silence and space in which your mind may float freely and your spiritual side can express itself. We do not always have to be subject to the stimulus of the tv, radio, telephone or whatever other cacophony of noise modern life throws at us.

Pray to bring you closer to oneness with spirit. Use your own words if you can, or if not use the Lord's Prayer. There is one God, but a multitude of pathways to that summit. Seeketh the one that is right for you. Study widely, but not so much that you have no time to use your knowledge. Open your heart and mind to spirit, but do not neglect the physical pathway you currently tread.

Just as our brain and muscles grow stronger with use so does our psychism. There are numerous ways in which we may test our potentials. Try to visualize what the postman will bring tomorrow morning, or the headlines on tonight's tv news. Think of some words appearing in the names of today's horse race winners, or guess which way the stock market will move. And if you get it spectacularly wrong don't give up. Practice makes perfect, or at least improves.

Be aware of your dreams. Try to note them down as soon as you wake. review them in a week or two's time.

And then try to influence what happens. Choose a horse in the morning paper, and will it to win. Pick a stock or two and will them to do better than the rest. Visualise that which you want to come true. See it as though it has happened.

Make yourself aware of the enormous body of evidence supporting the reality of psychism. Convince yourself that it is real and that you already possess the potential. All you have to do is give it the chance to shine through.

For some joining a circle may be beneficial. We can feed off each other's energy and the atmosphere created can permit our true spiritual selves to come to the surface. But beware. Some circles can inhibit some members. The lone path, neither right nor wrong, offers an alternative to the circle. Our earthly obligations may make this our only option or it may merely work best for our unique self.

With a circle trust thine own judgement, and in this instance, first impressions are usually right. When you find one that is right for you, you will instantly feel at home.

For the lone worker there are many things you can do which will bring your true self, your spiritual self closer to the surface. You must make quiet time each day. Away from earthly demands and distractions. Practice focussing the mind. Find your own word/mantra and repeat it over and over, keeping your attention on it. Recite the alphabet or count backwards. Visualise - letters, numbers, colours, shapes. Or something more complex. Revisit your old school or home or somewhere you once knew. Imagine how it has changed. Don't just see. Hear its sounds, smell its smells, sense its atmosphere. Just 5 or 10 minutes a day. But do it every day.

Then exercise thy psychism. Visualise what the postman will bring you. Who will call you today. Words from your coming day. Or the evening news. Choose some words that will appear in the names of the day's horse racing winners. See a large blank movie/tv screen. Visualise these things upon it. See them, hear them, smell them, touch them. Record your dreams for later analysis.

We are all spirit. Basically. Fundamentally. Spirit temporarily made flesh. The psychic is part of us, we are part of it. Its energy is all around us. To become psychic is really just a case of learning to lower the barriers and to listen.

The words herein came to me from I know not where, but a source to which I shall refer as spirit.

Death Evil Free Will Karma Love
Mediumship Pathway Pride Psychism Time

new age spirituality © abracad 2004