new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

An Outline of Occult Science

abracad, · Categories: ebooks

Noted philosopher, social thinker, architect and esotericist Rudolf Steiner's classic introduction to the occult realm including the Nature of Man, Sleep and Death, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, and the Present and Future Evolution of the World and Humanity.

Read in full as free online ebook


The Hermetic/Vanetic Marriage

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion

In Relationship To Evolutionary Mortal Marriages, Based Upon An Example Of The Creator Son And The Universe Mother Spirit In Complementary Relationship

by Gabriel of Urantia

Just a few of these concepts come from Manly P. Hall and his Philosophical Research Society. But the majority is actually Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation and comes from Paladin. This will become Paper 366 in The Cosmic Family, Volume VI.

A definition of Hermetic marriage is: Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, relating to an ancient occult tradition encompassing alchemy, astrology, theosophy, and male and female polarities in marriage.

A definition of Vanetic is:  the writings of Van[1] pre-rebellion and post-rebellion eras. Van wrote for 300,000 years on the relationship of the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit in relationship to evolutionary marriages. Most of the writings of Van were destroyed when the Library of Alexandria burnt down.

Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (The Cosmic Family volumes) teaches that as a result of the romantic relationship between the Creator Son and Universe Mother Spirit, their universe was sung into existence. Everything, every particle, every rock, every tree, the oceans, everything was sung into existence. This relationship between the two of them is the example of relationships between angelic beings, the positive and negative, and the example on evolutionary worlds of the goal for complementary relationships between mere mortals.[2] (more…)


Luminous Essence – Floater Structures in the Ancient Mesoamerican Art

abracad, · Categories: entoptic phenomena, externally authored

By Floco Tausin

Eye floaters – vitreous opacities or consciousness light? A glimpse into the art and myths of former and non-Western cultures suggests that floaters had a spiritual meaning for many people. This article presents floater motifs and their meaning in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures. (more…)


Guest Posts Invited


new age spirituality's mission is to explore - through the topics of Spiritualism, psychic development, the paranormal, parapsychology, the occult, karma, healing, dreams, meditation and all aspects of Spirituality - the idea that this life, this world, is not the totality of our existence. That it might, in fact, be but an infinitesimal part of something much bigger, just one tiny step along an infinite journey...

We are currently seeking articles for publication on or related to any of the above topics. We regret that as a free access site we are unable to pay a fee for selected works, but we will of course provide full acknowledgement and, where requested, a link to the author's Web site. Copyright will remain with the author.

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Why am I Really here?


Welcome to new age spirituality, exploring through many channels the idea that this life, this world, are not the totality of existence, but just one tiny step along an infinite journey...

Being Spiritual

Spirituality is the recognition and identification with your true, Spiritual, essence. True Spirituality comes only through the discovery of your true purpose, and the conscious direction of your lifestyle towards its fulfillment.
More on Being Spiritual...

Finding My Purpose

Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? Understanding our purpose is the key to finding fulfillment in a complex and often confusing world. Living without purpose is like making a journey without knowing where you are going!
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Psychic Development

Paradoxically the growth of technology has seen a rapidly growing demand for guidance from psychics and mediums. However, as fundamentally Spiritual beings, we are all naturally psychic as evidenced by the numerous unlikely experiences written off as coincidence.
Develop your natural psychic ability...

After Life

One of the most profound human questions is whether any part of us (eg consciousness, soul) survives physical death. Evidence from Spiritualism, reincarnation and Near Death Experiences (NDEs) etc strongly suggests the reality of an afterlife of some form.
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Spiritual Politics

Whatever our Spiritual beliefs may be, for the purpose of this lifetime we inhabit the earth plane with all its challenges and imperfections. We present various perspectives on how our choices and actions can help create a better world for all who share our journey.
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The Meaning of Dreams

Awake, our attention is necessarily focused on the physical plane. Asleep, our mind is able to wander free from conscious inhibition, its journey manifesting as dreams. Described by Freud as the royal road to the unconscious, dreams can further both self and Spiritual awareness.
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Meditation has traditionally been practiced by those seeking Spiritual awakening and enlightenment. But in the ever-connected 21st century culture the discipline is finding a whole new band of followers seeking relief from the complexity, demands and stress endemic to our age.
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Guest posts welcome

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abracad, · Categories: books, consciousness, paranormal phenomena, reviews

A review of Colin Wilson’s sequel to The Occult


Colin Wilson is one of the most thorough and prolific researchers and writers on the paranormal of recent years. Mysteries was written as a sequel to Wilson’s The Occult, and continues and extends the theme of that classic investigation into the world of the unknown.

Mysteries begins by floating the possibility that the “self” actually consists of a hierarchy of levels that may be likened to a ladder with higher rungs of shorter and shorter length (presumably meaning they are harder to experience, or are reached by fewer souls). Wilson adopted this concept after experiencing a series of panic attacks that were ended by his invoking a higher self (which he refers to as the schoolmistress effect). (more…)


Invitation: The Golden Path, The Superhighway to God

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

by Dr Stewart Bitkoff

The following piece is taken from Servant of God (Golden Path Press); which is a first hand account of a meeting with a modern Sufi Saint (Sam). Later, material in this book was used to help write Sufism for Western Seekers and The Ferryman’s Dream.  If you are searching for a Path, as God Wills, this may be the Path for you. (more…)


Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age

abracad, · Categories: channeling, externally authored, meditation

Questions and Answers by Benjamin Creme

A selection of answers to questions about the science and the practice of Transmission Meditation. (March 2012) 

The January/February issue of Share International published an edited version of a talk by Benjamin Creme on 'Transmission: a Meditation for the New Age', which took place at Cecil Sharp House, London on 26 January 2008. We present a selection of previously published questions on Transmission Meditation and some new questions from the Transmission Meditation Conference held at Kerkrade, the Netherlands, in September 2011. (more…)


Library of Spiritual & Self Help Classic e-books



Welcome to the new age spirituality library of Spiritual and Self Help classics

These classic e-books cover various aspects of Spirituality and Spiritual Self Help. However, all have proven their potency by remaining popular many years after first publication.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. A must for anyone wanting to improve their lives and their positive thinking, this book has inspired the succes of numerous millionaires. One of the best-selling books of all time, Think And Grow Rich examines the power of personal beliefs, and the role they play in personal success. "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" is one of Hill's hallmark expressions.

The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. First published in 1925, this book has inspired thousands of people around the world to find a sense of purpose and belonging. It asserts that life is not a battle but a game of giving and receiving, and that whatever we send out into the world will eventually be returned to us. This little book will help you discover how your mind and its imaging faculties play leading roles in the game of life.

The Master Key System by Charles Haanel. The Master Key System teaches the ultimate priciples, causes, effects, and laws that underlie all attainment and success. When you want to attain something, The Master Key System will show you how to get it. The Results you will attain from using this system are so startling as to appear incredible. More and more people are becoming students of The Master Key System. Unlock your power and potential by learning The Master Key System.

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. The Prophet is a collection of 26 poetic essays covering all aspects of human experience. The book tells the story of the prophet Almustafa, who has lived abroad in the city of Orphalese for 12 years. Almustafa is about to board a ship which will take him home, perhaps a metaphor for physical death. Before leaving he is approached by a group of people, with whom he discusses matters relating to life and its meaning. His beautifully expressed messages all give insight to our Spiritual nature.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.
Wattles spent a lifetime considering the laws of success as he found them in the work of the world's great philosophers. He then turned his life effort into this simple book. In 17 short chapters, Wattles shows how to use the idea of positive thought, how to overcome barriers to its application, and how work with very direct methods that awaken it in your life. He further explains how creation and not competition is the hidden key to wealth attraction, and how your power to get rich uplifts everyone around you.

Attaining Your Desires by Letting Your Subconscious Mind Work For You by Genevieve Behrend. Behrend teaches us how to utilize our God-given powers during everyday life to live a more satisfying life. By developing our power of positive thinking and utilizing the Law of Attraction attaining your desires becomes second nature. Attain Your Desires includes lessons on; How to Get What You Want, How to Overcome Adverse Conditions, Strengthening Your Will, and Making Your Subjective Mind Work for You as well as Hourly Helps and more.

Cosmic Consciousness by Ali Nomad. Eastern philosophy has long described that goal of the soul known as "enlightenment". From a Western viewpoint, it is best translated in the term liberation, signifying to be set free from the limitations of sense, and of self-consciousness, and to have glimpsed the larger area of consciousness, that takes in the very cosmos. This experience is accompanied by a great light, whether this light is manifested as spiritual, or as intellectual power, determines its expression.

From Poverty to Power by James Allen. Allen describes this book as "A Book for all those who are in search of better conditions, wider freedom, and increased usefulness." From Poverty to Power sketches a line of development along which each one person should work in order to accomplish the greatest amount of lasting good. Enduring success in any direction is shown to be the result of inward adjustment and growth.

The Sayings of Lao Tzu translated by Lionel Giles. In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu outlined the basic concept of Tao. Giles's translation is remarkable for its clarity of expression, particularly given the complexity of the subject.

Clairvoyance and Occult Powers by Swami Panchadasi. This book teaches these natural, but inhibited abilities through a series of lessons including: clairvoyance, clairaudience, premonition and impressions, psychometry, crystal gazing, past clairvoyance, future clairvoyance, clairvoyant development, astral travel, psychic influence, psychic healing and more...

The Inner Consciousness by Swami Prakashananda. This book defines what is meant by consciousness, differentiates between outer and inner consciousness, and goes on to show how we may awaken and direct the inner consciousness.

All these classic works are believed to be copyright-expired, and therefore in the public domain.



What is Ouija?

abracad, · Categories: paranormal phenomena, psychic development

The Ouija board is a divinatory tool, much like astrology, numerology, tarot, palm-reading, crystal-gazing etc. Just like all tools its purpose is to make it possible/easier to achieve something. A drill helps you hang shelves, tools of divination like the Ouija help you re-connect with your
Spiritual source. (more…)
