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Spiritualist Mediums : Messages from Spirit

Background | October 2003 | November 2003 | December 2003 - January 2004
February - March 2004 | April - May 2004 | June - July 2004

15 February 2004

My message
Someone had trouble with lungs. Grandfather, you only knew him slightly. He was like you physically. Fought in WWI in trenches. Some crest showing where he came from, also medals. He was a gentleman. You are changing job. This will be something big. You will be using technical knowledge. You have learned a lot and will now use it. This will lead to a higher position. You will show people how to use equipment in a new way. You may doubt, but it will be a success and will all be down to you. Have confidence in your own ability.

My comments
WG again? However, I did not now him and don’t know if he was like me physically. I have been told he was a gentleman and have seen his Canadian army badge (crest). The reference to medals is consistent. I was expecting to change my job at the time and hoping to try something new. My job is technology related, but I have yet to see success.

29 February 2004

My message
Your Dad is in Spirit. Also Mum. Your first job was a mistake. You were pushed into corner, pressured from outside. You have learned lessons. You won’t repeat those mistakes; you are now your own man. Unconditional self-sacrifice. Someone who lived over a fish and chip shop. A picture of/with a bridge.

My comments
My Dad is in Spirit, but not my Mum. My first job was a mistake, I only lasted one day. I’m not sure how I came to go there, I don’t feel I was pressured, but at age 16 I was probably heavily influenced by others. Interestingly I was talking about my first job just a day or two before. I think I have learned many lessons throughout life and I try not to repeat them. Circumstances mean I can’t be my own man as much as I would like.

I understand the reference to self-sacrifice but will not expand here. My wife’s friends live over a fish and chip shop and we were talking about them that afternoon. There is a picture with water and what looks like a bridge next to Dad’s chair. I also have a photo of the family including Dad standing on what looks like a bridge. I also have a particularly happy memory of a boat trip with my father during which I took several photos of bridges. I feel this medium provided strong evidence, particularly in mentioning things that had recently been talked about.

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21 March 2004

My message
Don’t rush into things, take time before jumping. A tall gentleman draws near. Recent sadness, tears, someone going, a man. He didn’t share, not money but feelings. Aware of him, a touch on the shoulder. He’s with George. He left things undone. Image of the Taj Mahal. Love to you and mother. Birthday around 12 February.

My comments
I was expecting dramatic changes at the time and perhaps it would have been wisest to reflect before acting. Didn’t recognize the tall man at first, but Dad’s brother George was tall. Dad was a quiet man who kept his feelings to himself. There was some paperwork to deal with following his passing. I have no links to the Taj Mahal - other than perhaps the need for quiet reflection - but that afternoon I was looking at a picture of Brighton Pavilion which is of a similar style. No birthday on Feb 12th, but there are birthdays on the 1st, 3rd and 21st.

28 March 2004

My message
Are you new to this? You need to find out/develop more. Take the next step, eg meditate or a development circle. You are at a crossroads, not sure which way to go. You need to have more input into the decision. Need to be a driver, not just a rider. Don’t know who to speak to about decision - maybe need to speak to someone outside. Don’t find it easy to talk, feel isolated. Need to be less controlled. You just plod along but need to let self go, do something wild once in a while, eg bungee jumping or drive an F1 car. Take a few months to pursue what you really want to do. Need to widen circle of friends.

My comments
This medium was unusual in that she did not link to specific identities in Spirit. I am not new to Spiritualism but have the desire (but not opportunity) to take my interest further. I was at a crossroads and feeling isolated and uncertain about the future. I told the medium I was not mainly responsible for the direction that would be taken. I am a quiet and private person who does not find it easy to talk about personal matters. The advice of “letting myself go” is something I have been given on a number of occasions, but it is not something I remotely wish to do.

Other correct messages
The medium identified one man as a healer and told another lady her kitchen was too small and that there was something that kept falling down in her bathroom.

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Messages: April - May 2004

new age spirituality © abracad 2004