new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Akashic Records

abracad, · Categories: reincarnation, spirituality, theosophy

Accessing the Akashic Records and Understanding Their Influence upon the Present

The Akashic Records are a Spiritual concept describing the collective store of the totality of information. Akashic Records exist for all levels of reality – individual souls, nations, races, planets..., and the manifest universe as a whole.

An individual soul usually has many incarnations in order to perfect its purpose. The minutiae of experience of each incarnation is held in the individual’s Akashic Record, along with that individual’s life purpose blueprint.

Our Akashic Records hold hidden details that may exert an unseen influence upon its current incarnation. An obvious example is where someone drowned in a previous existence and exhibits an irrational fear of water in this life. Certain souls, forming a soul family, often incarnate together in widely varying relationships; eg a child in this life may previously have been a parent. More dramatically former mortal enemies often find themselves thrown together with unaccountably strong feelings of negativity towards each other. The Akashic Records can provide insight to resolving such conflicts. (more…)


What it means to be Spiritual

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Lt Col R K Langar

Spirituality is derived from the world spirit which means soul or Atma residing equally in all. Spirituality is the realization that man is not just the body but man is essentially spirit or Atma which is the highest component of man’s personality. The Atma is a ray or fragment of God which makes a man divine at core. Spirituality aims at recognizing this divine principle which is responsible for the inner growth of man. (more…)


Spiritual Lessons from Steve Jobs

abracad, · Categories: in the news, self help, spirituality

The sad passing of Steve Jobs has dominated the news of the past week. Jobs, the founder of Apple, has been phenomenally successful and a true game-changer in the field of technology, but one might question why someone engaged in such a materialistic industry is being mentioned on a Spiritual Web site.

Apart from being a Buddhist for most of his adult life, Steve Jobs' philosophy actually stands as an excellent example of Spiritual living.

Internet entrepreneur John Chow presents a superb summary of Jobs' teachings at Lessons I Learned From Steve Jobs, and although presented from a business perspective we can all take something from the key lessons of:


Understanding The Power of Now

abracad, · Categories: books, consciousness, purpose, reviews, self help, spirituality
The Power of Now

First published in 1999, Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now has become an international bestseller. Written as a series of questions and answers, it presents a radical analysis of humanity's current state and offers a revolutionary route back from unhappiness to enlightenment, which this article attempts to give the merest flavor of. If you read just one Spiritual book in your life, The Power of Now is a very strong contender to be that book. (more…)


Christ, The 'Fish', The Vesica Pisces, and Astrology

abracad, · Categories: astrology, externally authored, jesus, spirituality

By Andrew Cort

(An Excerpt from THE PURPOSE OF RELIGION: Enlightenment, Meaning and Love in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Symbology)

When he had finished speaking he said to Simon,
“Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”
Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long
but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so,
I will let down the nets.”
When they had done this they had caught so many fish
that their nets were beginning to break. (Luke.5.4-6)

They signaled the other boat to come and help them, and soon both boats were filled with so many fish that they began to sink. Simon (he that obeys), who was also called Peter (a rock or stone), “fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.’ For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee [abundance], who were partners with Simon.” They were afraid the boats would sink under the weight of all the fish, but Jesus said: “Do not be afraid; from now on, you will be catching people.” (more…)


Spiritual Parenting

abracad, · Categories: self help, spirituality

Being a parent is probably the greatest privilege, and responsibility, we can have during our earth life. A new born baby is a paradox. The Spirit within that helpless bundle is ancient, but its earthly incarnation is a blank page waiting to be written upon by its experiences, with the earliest experiences carrying the greatest influence throughout its life.

Before birth our Spirit decides, along with our guides, what circumstances we will be born into and what lessons we will seek during this particular lifetime. And then we find ourselves upon earth, the knowledge of our true Spiritual nature temporarily obscured so that we might best fulfill our chosen purpose. Life is the ultimate experience of learning by discovery. (more…)


When Will We Ever Learn?

abracad, · Categories: purpose, spirituality

The history of mankind makes for depressing reading. It is a story of recurrent conflict between different groupings with the mightier invariably exploiting or eliminating his less able neighbor. Looking around the world, wars continue to rage; the only difference is that the means of destruction have grown exponentially more horrific.

It takes no great leap of imagination to view mankind simply as clothed animals, and indeed whenever any account of particular depravity comes to light it is common to hear the perpetrators described as animals. But this is an insult to the animal kingdom, which though often savage, acts only from the instinctive drive for survival; ie bears kill to eat, men kill for fun. (more…)


What are our Duties in Life?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, purpose, spirituality

By Lt Col R K Langar

Lord Krishna states in Bhagavad Gita that man attains perfection by performing his allotted duties in a spirit of sacrifice which means without bothering for the fruit of actions, without attachment and even without the feeling that I am the doer of actions. When  your offer the fruit of your actions to God and also its doer ship then your work becomes worship of God. With actions performed in this manner one attains purity of mind which is a prerequisite for gaining progress in the spiritual path. Man has to perform certain obligatory duties while living in the world which are listed below. (more…)


The "Other" Darkness

abracad, · Categories: press releases, spirituality

from Chapter 5,  "She Knows Us"  Sophia The Feminine Face of God : Nine Heart Paths to Healing and Abundanceby Karen Speerstra

A group of creative women met at my neighbor's house one night to swim in the silky water of her spring-fed pond, celebrate our giftedness and eat great food.

Sara, another writer, asked me what I was writing now and i struggled for a few seconds to come up with this book's "elevator speech."

I'm writing about the feminine face of God. I suppose you could call it my spiritual memoir." (more…)


Good relationship means healthy living

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By: Lt Col. RK Langar

What is our relationship with people around us. Is our relationship only confirmed with our family members or does it go beyond. It is true that when a man is born in the world his only relationship then is with his family members like father, mother, brother and sisters. As he grows up he realizes that he has to build relationship with others also which includes his own self for a purposeful and sustainable living. Man is not an island. He is dependent on others and others are dependent on him in some way or the other. We all are interconnected. Mahabharata says that the whole world of mortals is an independent organism. Shri Sharda Devi the spiritual consort of Shri Rama Krishna has beautifully described our relationship with the world when she says that no one is a stranger; make the world your own. (more…)
