new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Spirits Whispering In My Ear

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, press releases, survival

by Psychic Medium and Ghost Whisperer, Kerrie Jean Erwin

At the age of eight, Kerrie Jean Erwin had her first conversation with the dead.

Personal encounters

Kerrie Jean Erwin’s new book, Spirits Whispering in My Ear, takes us on an incredible journey into another dimension beyond our living world. Kerrie shares fascinating experiences as she transcends our world to connect clients with their departed loved ones, desperate to relay their messages of love and hidden secrets into Kerrie’s ear. (more…)

Death: The Great Change

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, purpose, survival

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Why must the physical body die?  Why must each soul taste death?

In death the reason for life is more visible. Death of the physical body is necessary for the lesson to be learned.  The universe is in motion, constantly changing; connected by energy, recreating itself according to various designs. This is our destiny as well.

To the poet: life is like an afternoon at the shore.  The sunlight, ocean spray, sand, and multitude of sea creatures are to be enjoyed.  We come for a few hours, experience the many sensations with family and friends, then return renewed to our other duties and life. (more…)

The Power of Natural Attraction Ecology

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

How to Benefit from the Restorative Miracles of Nature that We Learn to Disregard

by Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Project NatureConnect Program Director, Akamai University, Hilo, Hawaii.

When I was a child a magician visited our elementary school and explained that he was going to perform a miracle: "Miraculously, I am going to make something from nothing," he said. He first rolled up his sleeves, then opened wide both his hands and twisted them so we could see them, back and front. He asked us if we recognized that that they were bare and empty. We agreed. They were. No doubt about it. The others and I, including our teacher, saw this with our own eyes. (more…)

Death Call

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, poetry

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Gently, the ocean waves break upon the rocks;
As an old woman rests
Beneath the late afternoon sun.
Sheltered under her favorite umbrella,
Sitting in a worn beach chair.
Listening to the ocean’s soft lullaby;
Slowly, she raises her head
And peacefully calls out across the water.  (more…)

Book Review: The Ferryman’s Dream, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, reviews

Reviewer: Emmanuel Karavousanos

The Ferryman's DreamOnce in a while one reads a book that not only is a wonderful read, but has a magnet drawing a reader into it and fills the mind with at least a bit of wisdom and good sense. The Ferryman's Dream is such a book with one difference: it delivers a good deal more wisdom than one might expect. Often when reading a book one quickly (perhaps all too quickly) dismisses much of what one reads, hastening to get to "the good parts" or even just to finish. Here, the reader cannot but go back and read once again the fully packed package of ideas this work contains.

Aside from the story, which itself is joyful to read, ideas emerge right from the very beginning. The author, Dr. Bitkoff, can be recognized as one who has reached a state of consciousness that we call mystical. We see the wisdom begin to flow. Bitkoff quickly notifies us of a flaw almost all of us have. It is that the instructions given by spiritual teachers is often "denied or overlooked". (more…)

The Invisible War

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Gabriel of Urantia

The second in a series of 3 articles in relationship to The Deterioration of The Earth and all its Systems—Climatic, Resources, Food, Economic, and Consciousness

For those in the Occupy movement or any activist who is trying to make change in the system about anything, they can no longer ignore what is happening to the planet and all of its systems, including civilization as a whole. They cannot ignore any longer the spiritual aspect or the Spiritualution movement that is taking place all over the earth, even if the people themselves—who are crying out for change—do not even know they are in the Spiritualution movement, because millions of them are in the Spiritualution movement nonetheless. (more…)

The Story of the Essenes - Mary and Joseph

abracad, · Categories: edgar cayce, externally authored, jesus

by Doug Simpson

This is the fourth article in a series of articles on the Essenes. If you have not read The Story of the Essenes - The Beginning, The Story of the Essenes - Jesus' Teacher, and The Story of the Essenes - Twelve Maidens, I respectfully suggest that you stop reading this article and locate and read the first three articles. It is not crucial that you do this, but knowledge of the first three articles may be of assistance to you in understanding the background for this fourth article. If you cannot locate the first three articles on the website where you currently are, you will find them on my website at

We concluded our previous Essene article with a brief look at six of the twelve Essene maidens whose reincarnated soul entities had obtained readings from the legendary American mystic, Edgar Cayce. These six maidens plus five others who did not appear in the Edgar Cayce readings, leave us with the Virgin Mary, who was selected by the Angel to become the Mother of the long-awaited Savior. Here is the story of Mary and Joseph, as recorded in the Edgar Cayce readings, up to just preceding the birth of Jesus. (more…)

The Ferryman’s Dream

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, press releases

The Ferryman's DreamAuthor’s Newest Title Compares to The Alchemist

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff’s The Ferryman’s Dream Hits Book Shelves

Stroudsburg, PA– May 8, 2012- For those modern day men and women who are increasingly seeking answers from within to help make sense of the world today, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff’s newest title, The Ferryman’s Dream was written for you. Compared on some level to The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, The Ferryman’s Dream presents an updated version of the ever-elusive, and often misunderstood, ancient spiritual teachings which are intended to be an added essence to life and religion; not serve as a replacement there of. In a heartening tale, The Ferryman’s Dream brings to life the true essence of modern day spiritual learning. (more…)

Lights from the Other World

abracad, · Categories: consciousness, entoptic phenomena, externally authored

Floater structures in the visual arts of modern and present-day shamans

By Floco Tausin

This article is based on the assumption that prehistoric shamanic rituals include the perception, interpretation and depiction of what we today call ‘eye floaters’ (muscae volitantes). It is suggested that, together with other shamanic symbols, floaters continue to be experienced and depicted in later shamanic societies up to the present day. The present article supports this thesis from the examples of modern Siberian and contemporary Tukano shamans. A closer look at their visual arts reveals geometric structures and characteristics that are typical of eye floaters. (more…)

The Occupy Movement Needs To Fuse With The Spiritualution Movement To Win Against The 1%

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

The first in a series of 3 articles in relationship to The Deterioration of The Earth and all its Systems - Climatic, Resources, Food, Economic, and Consciousness

by Gabriel of Urantia

I do not think that the Mayans or the ancient Egyptians or Nostradamus or the Hopi or other indigenous peoples or any one spiritual ideology has all the answers pertaining to how the Creator works with humans to accomplish the fight against evil. We can only find these answers in some partial truth in the Continuing Fifth Epochal Revelation (The Cosmic Family volumes), a work that is unknown to the almost all of the billions of people on this planet. (more…)