new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

From here to 'Sacred Economics'

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Elisa Graf and Thorsten Wiesmann

A discussion of Charles Eisenstein's book, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition, which details the development of the use of money from gift economies to the current capitalism with its pathologies of alienation, competition and scarcity.

Sacred Economics

Few today would argue with the fact that nearly all human institutions appear to be in parallel crisis. Charles Eisenstein is a philosopher, teacher and author whose latest book, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition, traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity. In line with esoteric thinking he suggests that humanity is now making a transition away from a cultural identity that defines human beings as separate, discrete entities in competition with each other for finite resources, to one that expresses the connected relationship between ourselves and other human beings, and ourselves and nature. He presents an idealistic vision of how living without society’s over-riding focus on money would transform our sense of self and our relationship to others: a change in sensibility. He talks of "The self of ‘inter-beingness’ that understands that we’re the same being, looking out through different eyes; that what I do to you I’m really doing to myself; that your well-being is connected to my wellbeing; your suffering is connected to my suffering". As our institutions fall apart, Eisenstein says that they are, in effect, ‘birthing’ us into a new world. (more…)

The evolution of humanity

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, purpose

A compilation

The evolution of consciousness, the path of ever-widening awareness of Reality, defines life at all levels, and is the subject of esoteric philosophy and science.

We present a selection of quotations on the theme of 'The Evolution of Humanity' from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ), Benjamin Creme's Master (A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme's writings.

When we talk about evolution, we are really talking about the evolution of consciousness, of conscious awareness. That is what life is, a gradual awakening to higher and wider vistas of Being and Reality. That is life at every level. So growth of consciousness started as soon as, for the very first time, we came into incarnation in the primeval swamp. When was it? Eighteen-and-a-half million years ago. What is the main impediment in our struggle? The main impediment is karma. Every advance in evolution, and therefore every expansion of consciousness, takes place through the resolution of karma. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya's Mission Volume Two)  (more…)

Youth at the helm

abracad, · Categories: 2012, externally authored

by the Master, through Benjamin Creme, 1 March 2012

The young know that sharing and justice is the only way to create the trust needed for a safe and secure future for humanity.

This year, 2012, is one of great importance. It is essential that the impetus of the Arab Dawn, and its repercussions worldwide, be not lost. The Voice of the People, so vigorous and confident now, must continue to ring out through all the world, affirming Sharing and Justice as the only way to engender trust and a safer world for all. The remedy for men’s ills is so simple, so easy of achievement, yet so difficult for many to grasp. Men must realise that every other method has been tried and has failed, ending inevitably in war.  (more…)

Free Will & Concept of Design

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, purpose

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q: Can you elaborate on free will and how this interplays with the concept of design?

As discussed, what distinguishes man from other creations is the capacity to make our own decisions. Within specific parameters, travelers can choose aspects of their lives, and if they wish to serve God.

In establishing a life-plan, we decide what areas we would like to further develop, i.e., learn about and accomplish and how this will assist us in our journey back to God.  In order to accomplish the learning that is required, we bring along with us certain skills and abilities.  All of this is freely chosen and if we choose not to reincarnate, at this time, we are free not to do this as well. (more…)

From Dependence to Independence then Interdependence

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Lt Col R K Langar

What is dependency

To be dependent on others means that we have not developed ourselves inwardly and we depend on others for finding our way in life. As a child one is totally dependent on his parents. But when one grows up one should stand on his own feet and face worldly problems with confidence. You can face outer situations in a purposeful manner only when inwardly you are strong and balanced. As is the inner, so shall the outer will appear. (more…)

The Inner War: Conquest of Self

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.

Sufis have long held that the inner war- Jihad, the fight between a traveler’s higher and lower nature is a moment by moment struggle. Those who are somehow able to turn toward their higher self and use in daily life their access to spiritual awareness are on the road to enlightenment. This world is made a better place: one person at a time and each person’s life is made-up of small moment by moment conflicts, decisions and actions. (more…)

Living without money

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

An interview with Heidemarie Schwermer

by Andrea Bistrich

Award-winning author Heidimarie Schwermer answers questions about why and how she gave up her possessions to live totally without money, and her discovery of a growing number of initiatives in support of saner and more just values. (March 2012)

Heidemarie Schwermer worked as a psychotherapist and teacher for 20 years before deciding, in 1996, to attempt an experiment to live without money. What was initially to last one year has, in the meantime, become a way of life for the 70-year-old. She has written three books on living without money, holds lectures and has been a guest on numerous talk-shows. Her first book, The Star Money Experiment, translated into many languages, was awarded the Tiziano Terzani Peace Prize in 2008, and in 2010 the Italian/Norwegian documentary film about her life enjoyed its premier in Oslo. With her moneyless way of living she wants to give a positive impulse towards a more just and equal society. (more…)

Purity is the mother of all virtues

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Lt Col R K Langar

Purity of  body and mind are two essential aspects of man’s personality. Out of the two purity of mind holds the key for one’s betterment in life. It is the pure mind which dictates how will you speak and how good are your actions. Just as colored water penetrates easily in white cloth similarly elevated teachings go deeply in a pure mind. Without purity there is no peace of mind and without peace of mind there can be no true happiness. Purity of mind is a big power. Purity gives clarity of thoughts. (more…)

Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age

abracad, · Categories: channeling, externally authored, meditation

Questions and Answers by Benjamin Creme

A selection of answers to questions about the science and the practice of Transmission Meditation. (March 2012) 

The January/February issue of Share International published an edited version of a talk by Benjamin Creme on 'Transmission: a Meditation for the New Age', which took place at Cecil Sharp House, London on 26 January 2008. We present a selection of previously published questions on Transmission Meditation and some new questions from the Transmission Meditation Conference held at Kerkrade, the Netherlands, in September 2011. (more…)

"We are no longer afraid": the world at the threshold of a new dawn

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

An interview with Federico Mayor Zaragoza

by Carmen Font

In an interview, renowned Spanish peace and democracy activist, Professor Federico Major Zaragoza, discusses the shifts in power now underway that are empowering the people of the developing world. (March 2012)

Professor Federico Mayor Zaragoza (born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1934) is a respected figure in Spain and abroad for his tireless work for peace and development. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Professor Mayor, a biochemist by profession, held several senior ministerial posts in the Spanish transition governments and later as Member of the European Parliament. He gained widespread international recognition during his mandate as director-general of UNESCO from 1987 to 1999, a period in which he gave new momentum to the organisation's mission and worked towards creating the Culture of Peace Program. In 1999, he decided not to run for a third term with UNESCO and, on returning to Spain, created Fundación Cultura de Paz, (The Foundation for the Culture of Peace) of which he is chairman. Federico Mayor shares his thoughts and actions about the latest important developments in the past year. Carmen Font interviewed him for Share International. (more…)