new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Definitions of yoga in Gita

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, yoga

By Lt Col R K Langar

If one truly wants to understand  what is YOGA there is no other book other than Bhagavad Gita which can give a comprehensive meaning of the word yoga. Bhagavad Gita as a scripture is Brahmavidya and  to realize It Gita teaches Yogashastra. The yoga of Gita is a practical discipline for realization of God or Brahmavidya, the philosophical wisdom. Each of the eighteen chapters of Gita are titled as Yoga chapters with the subject and at the end of each chapter definition of Bhagavad Gita as science of the Absolute and the method to realize It through practice of yoga. (more…)

Why the Many Religions?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q:   If God/Light is One, why the many religions?

The many religions exist because travelers and cultures are different; these differences in religious form exist to help people better understand who they are.

In this matter, there is both an internal and external reality.  The internal reality is the spiritual experience of God/Light; for all religious forms, the closer you get to God/Light, the more this experience is singular. Externally religious forms differ; religion puts on different clothes because the climate and traveler’s need vary. (more…)

Review for Intuition, Cancer & Miracles: A Passage of Hope & Healing by Sara Wiseman

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, healing, reviews

intuition, cancer & miracles

In an honest and moving voice, intuitive author Sara Wiseman shares how her journey through cancer challenged her belief system. The waiting and wondering, the pain of multiple surgeries, and both the doubt and desire in trusting her inner voice of wisdom — Wiseman gives a heart-wrenching account of the tainted gift of cancer. This truthful look at cancer through one woman’s experience is inspiring and life-affirming: you are not alone in the universe, and you can find meaning in even the most painful situations. A vital tool for those with cancer; the book also includes seven powerful meditations for healing. A warm, beautifully produced audio course is also available for this book.

— Vicky Thompson, editor of New Connexion Journal

$15.95 ISBN 978-935254-77-5 Norlights Press or
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Norlights Press, Ingram


abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Beyond words and desires,
There is an underlying Reality that unifies everything.
This Reality and the method to perceive it
Is the birthright of humanity.
In their journey through this world,
Most travelers become distracted
And fix on all manner of things.

In a sense these things become their reality
And then have no need of anything higher. (more…)

Replace fault finding with good finding

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Lt Col R K Langar

Many of  us indulge in fault finding which may be out of sheer habit because what is happening in the society today is not worth any appreciation. But still finding faults in people or situation around us does not make us any wiser.

Fault finding fills up us with negativity besides disturbing our peace of mind. Sharada Devi, spiritual consort of Sri Rama Krishna says, so what is most important is that we should not describe the faults in words even when we conceive them in mind. (more…)

Intuition, Cancer and Miracles

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, healing, self help

By Sara Wiseman

Last fall, I was diagnosed with melanoma, one of the deadliest forms of cancer. Two surgeries later, I’ll be the first to admit: cancer was one of the scariest, most painful experiences in my life.

It was also one of the most profound.

Most folks, especially my physicians, will contend that traditional medicine was what cured me. I’ll agree with them — with one caveat. Because even though my surgeries worked — and for this I am utterly grateful — something else was at work as well. (more…)

A Guide to Psychic Readings

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

Here is a guide to understanding psychic readings, what they are used for, what to expect from your first one and how to use it to make positive changes or adjustments to your life.

If you are thinking of having a psychic reading for the first time, here are some things that you need to know. There could be many reasons why someone might choose to seek a psychic but it’s important to have clear expectations before you take this route. So what exactly is a psychic reading and how does it all work? Read on to find out more. (more…)

School of Life

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, spiritual politics

Interview with Marion Spielmann
by Andrea Bistrich

Marion Spielmann, founder of The School of Life in the Austrian provence of Steiermark, discusses a new model for education based on the heart's natural connection with nature. This new approach fosters Aquarian qualities in character development, ecological sustainability, and honest relationships within communities. May 2013 

Marion Spielmann founded the 'School of Life' in 1990 in the Austrian province of Steiermark, also known as Styria, which campaigns for a new culture of thinking and a spirituality in harmony with the laws of nature. Along with the School of Life she is involved in many further projects; amongst others she instigated the idea of a World Future Day, on 21 December. For the last seven years Marion Spielmann has been an ambassador for 'Peace through Culture' and is engaged in the development of national, international and inter disciplinary co-operation between different scientific and cultural groups. Marion Spielmann was interviewed by Andrea Bistrich for Share International. (more…)

Spiritual Traveler: Oneness of Creation

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

This video presents a beautiful combination of music, ocean view and poetry.

Video by Seraphine Sky; poem by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

The Consciousness Of Sustainability And Growing Organic Food

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, spiritual politics

Digging The Dirt Out Of Your Thinking Before You Plant One Seed In The Ground

by Gabriel of Urantia

I am glad that so many Occupiers all over the country have been taking my advice and trying to start communities and grow organic food. But sustainable living is not just a physical thing that you do and goals of things to accomplish. Long-lasting and continually evolving sustainable living is a shift in consciousness, a state of being. It is a total lifestyle and a way of thinking and doing that is not done in part.

You can’t bring the city to your new country home. This is what Americans have done for decades, in trying to move away from the city to the suburbs, thinking that was going to change the quality of their lives, but all they did was make the new suburbs extensions of the cities. Even in the cities, you can begin to live more sustainably by composting and recycling and trying to conserve on gasoline by using mass transit, walking, bicycling, and using smaller, more compact vehicles, even electric vehicles and other hybrid cars. (more…)