new age spirituality

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Love in the Unseen Realms

Experiences with My Twin Flame in Consciousness

By Shanna Mac Lean

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At the same time that I was having the energetic experience, I would watch through my spiritual sight, while deep in meditation, symbols or pictures of us interacting with each other, exactly as though we were in a movie being played out in technicolor upon the big screen before my eyes. The only difference between this and a traditional movie was that it lacked the continuity of continuous images. Instead, I saw us flickering in and out as less than solid, more as in our light bodies (although we wore Earth clothing), and the settings changed rapidly. We were always in motion.

As I became more and more able to adjust to the higher vibration of our meeting places, I experienced continuous waves of ecstatic bliss and often euphoria during our meetings. I would laugh uncontrollably or shout for joy, totally incredulous at how happy I was feeling.

Over time, rather than simply a phenomenon that occurred in my meditations, my union with my Twin Flame became a continuous contact. I now feel the various hallmarks of his energetic presence at any time, even as I write this at my desk. As ShannaPra, we truly have no boundaries and no beginning or end. My beautiful Pra is so a part of me that I feel his sweet presence every moment through my heart and through the waves of “subdued” ecstasy enveloping me throughout the day.

Can you imagine yourself having experiences such as I am describing?
Love Making in the higher dimensions? More and more people are feeling the result of the thinning of the “veil” and the increasing close and intimate contact beyond the physical with the SoulMate, the one who completes you. As frustrating as relationships have been on Earth, and as difficult as it may be for some of us to believe that there is a true Love waiting for us -- somewhere in the core of our hearts, we do know it is the truth. For every person there IS a Twin Flame, the being with whom you were created. This is what drives the insatiable longing and obsession with relationship on this planet. That longing to return to our Twin, our original partner, was placed in us by our beloved Creator as our divine call, to help us find our way when we were finally being called Home.

We are being called Home now, and we are told that this is the moment for Twin Flames to come together. What I (and others) have been experiencing in making contact with our SoulMate beyond the bodies in the “unseen” are the first stirrings of the hearts of all humankind to return to the way we were actually created. Each of us truly is one being with our Twin Flame, but that one being has within it two streams of consciousness –Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, the forces of Creation as they exist in God. This is reflected everywhere throughout our natural world.

These two forces have nothing to do with the gender of bodies as we know it on this planet, but rather about the core forces or charges of Creation. In every couple there is one being expressing the positive or plus charge (Divine Masculine) and one expressing the negative or minus charge (Divine Feminine), regardless of their gender. Twin Flames can certainly express through couples of the same gender.

Our relationship with our Twin is God’s gift to us and mirrors our relationship with God. There is a mystery here that defies a description that will satisfy our little minds. We are completely merged in unity with God and with all life – completely One with All That Is. Many of us have felt this in meditation or mystical experiences. However, through our hearts, God has given us the miracle of relationship, both with God and with our Twin Flame. This means that we can “separate” from that grand Oneness just enough to perceive and experience each other. If this were not true, we would ever remain in the ocean of God Love, blissful, but without the joy of consciously “knowing” one another, or knowing and having communion with our divine Creator.


Copyright 2006 by Shanna Mac Lean

Shanna Mac Lean is the author of Eternal Twin Flame Love, The Story of ShannaPra, an amazing and profound inter-dimensional love story, transcending the illusory barriers of time and space. From a review: “This ‘one of a kind’ book captures the divine essence of SoulMate reunion as the author weaves with intrigue and delight her account of the mystical path to her beloved Twin Flame.” Eternal Twin Flame Love is available online at under Books & Media, OR at OR at metaphysical bookstores. Shanna can be contacted at