new age spirituality

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Love in the Unseen Realms

Experiences with My Twin Flame in Consciousness

By Shanna Mac Lean

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So why are all of us not yet with our Twin, our divine partner? We actually are. Believe it or not, each person is, has always been and will always be with his or her Twin Flame in Spirit. This is how we were created, and it is impossible for us to be separate – just as it is impossible for us to be separate from or not loved by God. Your Twin Flame has actually been peeking through the eyes of every person with whom you have been in relationship your whole life, because the Twin is always seeking the closest possible connection. However, many things about life here on Earth have prevented our awareness of our beloved other half.

The reason we feel separate from our Twin and from God is that we on Earth have been having a “human experience,” even though we are made by and of God and are divine beings. This has been described in different ways throughout the religions, spiritual teachings and sacred literature of the world. The most common words used are “The Fall.” It is an experience of feeling separate from God and therefore, separate from God’s gift to us, our Twin Flame. This feeling of separation from our Divine Creator with all of its ramifications pervades life on this planet and expresses in many different forms such as feelings of abandonment, isolation, unworthiness, and not feeling loved.

However, we have never really been nor can we be separate from God. If we were, we would cease to exist. We have been living a dream here on Earth, imagining we are “humans.” The illusion that we are separate from our Beloved Creator is exacerbated by what has been called the “ego” or the little mind. The ego judges, evaluates, compares, describes, creating duality instead of oneness, and generally keeps us from a direct and true path to our feelings in our heart. How many times have couples fallen in Love (the divine activity of the heart), only to separate some time later when all of the judgment and evaluation of the little mind (and society) becomes active and overrules feelings? In fact, most Earth relationships are dominated by the “little mind” instead of the true perception of the heart to which God now leads us. This is what makes it so difficult to maintain a Love relationship here.

We are being shown in so many ways that this experience of being separate from the divinity we truly are and our divine partner is coming to a close. God is calling us Home. During our sojourn on Earth in which we have temporarily been dreaming that we are separate from God our Source, we have created a complex false world of pain and struggle, isolation and separation. This is now ending. The truth of God is that God is only Love. Therefore, only Love is real.

I have chosen to make all of my Twin Flame experiences public through my writings to share a model of what sacred relationship truly is and can be, when it is free from the interference of the ego and the physical world. In our essence, we are beings of consciousness, streams of light, not bodies. The physical vehicle is the result of the slowing of the fires of Love so much that a frozen or solid form results that appears separate. It is one aspect of the “human experience” in which we presently reside. However, we are so much grander than these bodies!

Therefore, if one is able to call upon one’s SoulMate in the silence that is consciousness first, and make a strong connection through the heart, the power and purity of this re-activated true Love will inevitably lead you to a partner of like resonance in physical expression who can embody the energy of your Twin. If you are already in a relationship, you can open the relationship in consciousness with your Twin, and this can completely uplift and transform the quality of the bond between you and your partner. We are with the person we are with for a reason. That person is able to hold the energy of our Twin Flame. It is up to each of us to open our heart to give forth the Love that can transform our lives. It is in the giving that we receive.

You too have a magnificent SoulMate. Please say “Yes!” to Love and open your heart to the Love of your Twin who awaits you…”here,” or “there.”

Copyright 2006 by Shanna Mac Lean

Shanna Mac Lean is the author of Eternal Twin Flame Love, The Story of ShannaPra, an amazing and profound inter-dimensional love story, transcending the illusory barriers of time and space. From a review: “This ‘one of a kind’ book captures the divine essence of SoulMate reunion as the author weaves with intrigue and delight her account of the mystical path to her beloved Twin Flame.” Eternal Twin Flame Love is available online at under Books & Media, OR at OR at metaphysical bookstores. Shanna can be contacted at