new age spirituality

Demons and the Devil

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Demons do exist. They are mischievous entities that, if encountered, can make life harder. Demons are not inherently evil, and in fact may serve a useful purpose by setting obstacles for us to overcome. Engaging in occult practice such as the Ouija board without sufficient knowledge and preparation can positively open the door for them to enter. They may also choose to enter certain incarnate beings, and if they are strong enough, a case of possession follows.

The key to the prevention of unwarranted attention from "demons" is knowledge and diligence. In all Spiritual activity be clear what you are trying to achieve and design your methodology appropriately. Never blindly follow the rituals of others without thinking why you are doing so and what you hope to achieve. Always pray for help and guidance from the Supreme Ultimate.

There are also incarnate demons. These are living beings whose raison d'etre is to inhibit the progress of others. They may be habitual criminals who spend much of their existence behind bars. Or they may just be those negative folk whose presence can turn the most pleasant of occasions into a waking nightmare. Simply recognize they exist to set challenges to help you grow and accept them as such.

You will be relieved to hear that the devil as a horned figure carrying a trident subjecting sinners to eternal torment does not exist. The popular image is a creation of man in an attempt to persuade other, more gullible, folk into subservience.

As an archetype the devil plays the role of setting problems, which though unpleasant give us the opportunity to learn. Thinking back, we realize that it's the difficult times that teach us the most. As such the devil help us grow, and is thus not really evil at all.

There is no punishment beyond incarnation. We are born with free will to experience and learn. We live our lives and then return to Spirit to share what we have gained. Should we fail to learn, or even inhibit the learning of others, we may simply get the chance to try again.

new age spirituality © abracad 2007