new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Meet Shiva

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion, spirituality

By William T. Hathaway

Shiva is the deity of transcendence, the cosmic force that returns all matter and energy, all manifestation and activity, back to its Source. This return is the final stage of an evolutionary process that begins with creation through the power of Brahma, maintenance through the power of Vishnu, then dissolution through the power of Shiva back into the unified field of pure consciousness, the same unified field that quantum physics has discovered. This ground state is the universe’s interface with God. Manifested forms dissolve in it into waves of a nonmaterial, abstract field, and new forms continually emerge from it to continue the cycle.

We can see this evolutionary process all around us. A seed becomes a plant that blossoms, creates new seeds, and dies. We manifest into a body that grows, develops, dies, then we later re-emerge as a new, more highly-evolved person. Socio-economic systems emerge, grow over centuries, and crumble like ours is doing now, then are replaced by more highly-developed, more egalitarian ones. As society enters this dissolution phase, more and more people are turning intuitively to Shiva because we need his support. (more…)

Who Was Jesus? From King To Messiah To Son Of God

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, jesus

by Rabbi Allen S. Maller

At some point in our lives, we are faced with the question. Who was Jesus? A prophet? A morals teacher? A Jewish Rabbi? The Son of God? Jesus asked this question to his own disciples in Matthew 16:13-16, Mark 8:27-29, and Luke 9:18-20. In all three accounts, Jesus first asks, “Who do people say I am?” (Mark 8:27) or “Who do the crowds say I am?” (Luke 9:18).

The disciples answer, “‘Some say John the Baptist; others say [prophet] Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets’”(Matthew 16:14, Mark 8:28). Or, in Luke 9:19, instead of “one of the prophets,” they say, “‘one of the prophets from long ago who has come back to life.’”

If the people who heard and saw Jesus himself were unsure who was; what about us today? (more…)

One Nation Under Who?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics

by Gabriel of Urantia

“One Nation Under God.” Are we? Our Constitution was written by men of God, bound together by the sufferings of their forefathers in Europe over the abuse of authority by so-called “men and women of God,” who ruled with self-righteousness, just like the Pharisees did during the times of Jesus—remembering that it was the so-called men of God (the Pharisees) who actually put Jesus on the cross.

The Civil War that occurred from 1861 through 1865 was fought with brother against brother, friend against friend, and, in some cases, fathers against sons—a horrible war that only happened because men of God on both sides forgot to live up to one of the Commandments of “Thou shalt not kill.”

Civil wars are the worst kind of wars. It’s not like you are fighting an enemy that is trying to take over your country from the outside, but in a civil war it’s trying to take over one’s country from the inside—a battle of, first, consciousness against consciousness. The Constitution was written so this kind of thing would not happen. The writers were aware of the many revolutions in Europe and knew full well how terrible civil wars are. (more…)

A Quick Guide On Finding Your Spirit Animal

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

by Ashley Halsey

According to Native American tradition, spirit animals are an embodied form of a spiritual guide. These guides can appear to us whatever way we are willing to see them, and it’s natural for people to connect with theirs anytime, anywhere. Therefore, you may find that you have one main power animal, or you’ll feel close to many spirit animals. But don’t panic! They’re here to give you more ease, faith, and confidence to help you navigate through life.

But, how can you tell which animal is your spirit guide? In this quick guide, we’ll show you some resources to help you find your spirit animal(s). (more…)

There Is Only One Side

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics

by Gabriel of Urantia

America—(the regathering of the ancient tribes of Israel)—is now at a transition point, which will determine how the rest of the tribulation will go in the next four years on Earth, particularly in America and Western civilization. The forces of the fallen mind have been at war with the forces of the light and souls of light and love. (more…)

Wake up America! What is the True Great American Dream?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics

by Niánn Emerson Chase

What is the true American Dream? I think in actuality, it is a universal dream, innate in all humans—it’s the drive to find God and to experience and express the love of our Divine Creator, Father/Mother God. This inner drive, when we follow it, can manifest in many wonderful ways:

However, in order for all of these inspirational elements of growth to become part of the true universal dream, our foundation and motivation must be of love—divine love—for any expression of the Universal Father/Mother of Light is always motivated by pure love. (more…)

Anonymous Benefactor

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, jesus

By Gabriel of Urantia

We are separated on this planet we call Earth/Urantia by many views of God and His workings with humankind. These problems lead to divisions, hate, bigotry, and wars. Some Christian denominations and sects, particularly fundamentalists, think they have the cornerstone of truth when it comes to the Spirit of Truth. They say that you have to literally ask Jesus to come into your life or heart and be willing to turn over everything to Jesus to receive that Spirit of Truth. (more…)

Sacred Living

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, spirituality

By Niánn Emerson Chase

Being raised by a spiritual, scientific father who was a water and soil conservationist on four different Indian reservations in Arizona (where I freely roamed the surrounding wild lands), I grew to understand the interdependence of humans with the natural environment and to hold sacred not only the life and health of human beings but also all life—plant and animal—and the ecosystems that keep us all alive.

In college and the ensuing years, I increasingly realized that it was almost impossible to live in the sacred manner I desired under the influence and control of the dominant culture of materialism and the conquer-all-in-nature mindset. And so in my 20s and 30s I lived in a conflictive state of compromise within mainstream society, doing what I could to live simply, buy minimally and responsibly, conserve water, recycle, repurpose, garden, participate in a cooperative where we bought organic foods in bulk and split among ourselves, and so on. I constantly researched and learned of better ways to live sustainably and attempted making changes within my nuclear family unit, which was at times challenging when certain family members did not want to participate. (more…)

6 Disturbing Dreams That You Can’t Ignore

abracad, · Categories: dreams, externally authored

By Vanessa Kearney

Dreams may occur at night, when you’re asleep. However, most people may play them off as fantasy. In fact, there are many dreams that people would ignore, yet their importance may be serious and or dire.

So, if you’re curious to know what some of the most disturbing dreams might mean, then keep reading! (more…)

The Big Squeeze Is On, Between Right And Wrong, Between Good And Bad

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion, spirituality

You Can Hop A Ride On Planet X (Also Called The Adjudicator) Or You Can Hop A Ride On The New Jerusalem. It’s Your Choice

They’re Both Coming To A Local Pickup Location Near You

by Gabriel of Urantia

Well, here we are in August of 2020. The summer is half over, and our lives definitely seem to be moving faster towards some kind of inevitable end. The whole world we know seems to be dissolving, and many of us are sensing something accelerating in our lives, like we are being pulled in a direction we have no control over.

We all realize that someday we will die, for that is the fate of living things on this world. There are many ways in which we can meet death at this time on the planet:  the Covid-19 (or the next one that mutates), earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and countless other so-called natural disasters, which may not be so natural in these turbulent times. And even more frightening is the threat of a world war of nuclear proportions. (more…)