new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Sufism for Western Seekers Secures Fourth Place, Receives Honorable Mention

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, press releases

Sufism for Western SeekersStroudsburg, PA – June 24, 2012, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff’s book Sufism for Western Seekers, which was nominated by ForeWord Magazine’s 2011 Adult Non Fiction Religious Book of the Year, was just awarded fourth place receiving honorable mention in the overall competition. Bitkoff has proven his ability to offer Americans an ancient teaching which has otherwise been viewed as seemingly complicated and places this book on the shelf of  “must reads” alongside new age, self-help literature such as Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Sufism for Western Seekers depicts a first-hand account of spiritual growth in two modern Sufi mystical schools. Sufism is the ancient path of spiritual knowing and is available through all religions, independent of Islam and other orders, yet is often misunderstood by Americans and Western Seekers. It is the true path to "knowing” oneself and coming to understand the light. It is not meant to replace religion rather it’s an added essence the ‘holly on the tree.’ (more…)

The Importance of Being Independent

abracad, · Categories: purpose, self help

Independence and Quality of Life

Life is a process of accumulating experience(s). Before being born into this world we decide, with guidance from more advanced souls, the kind of experiences we will seek during our life. We also decide the role we will play in the lives of others, ie to help them accumulate experience.

But for all our best laid plans the key characteristic of a human being is our free will. Throughout life circumstances conspire to keep us (more or less) to our pre-determined agenda. But we have the power of choice, every step of the way. There are no right or wrong choices, as all routes bring experience; but some paths clearly bring a higher quality of experience than others. The recognition and valuing of the faculty of independent choice determines the quality of our life. (more…)

Man is what his mind is

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By: Lt Col R K Langar


Man is what his mind is. Man is what he thinks. As the mind so is man. If mind is disturbed, man is disturbed. Thoughts which are continuously produced by our mind are  our constant companions and we have no choice but to accept it. Man should be the master of his thoughts but if he does not check his thinking process, he becomes a slave of his thoughts which produce substandard words and acts. Again as we think so is the world. If you think positively the world looks beautiful and you become a well wisher of the world. And if you think negatively, your own state of personality sinks low. It is rightly said that thoughts produced by our mind hold the key for our evolution. That is why the Gita says that mind can be one’s best friend as well as one’s worst enemy. In other words we are makers of ourselves.  Human mind is described as a public place open from all sides. Any thing can enter our mind and settle there which may not, in most cases, be good there by affecting our personality. Therefore we should not allow negative and useless ideas to enter our mind. This requires our complete self control over our mind and senses. Man’s character is sum total of his thoughts. The reason is that our speech and actions are based on our thought process. (more…)

Spirits Whispering In My Ear

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, press releases, survival

by Psychic Medium and Ghost Whisperer, Kerrie Jean Erwin

At the age of eight, Kerrie Jean Erwin had her first conversation with the dead.

Personal encounters

Kerrie Jean Erwin’s new book, Spirits Whispering in My Ear, takes us on an incredible journey into another dimension beyond our living world. Kerrie shares fascinating experiences as she transcends our world to connect clients with their departed loved ones, desperate to relay their messages of love and hidden secrets into Kerrie’s ear. (more…)

Death: The Great Change

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, purpose, survival

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Why must the physical body die?  Why must each soul taste death?

In death the reason for life is more visible. Death of the physical body is necessary for the lesson to be learned.  The universe is in motion, constantly changing; connected by energy, recreating itself according to various designs. This is our destiny as well.

To the poet: life is like an afternoon at the shore.  The sunlight, ocean spray, sand, and multitude of sea creatures are to be enjoyed.  We come for a few hours, experience the many sensations with family and friends, then return renewed to our other duties and life. (more…)

The Power of Natural Attraction Ecology

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

How to Benefit from the Restorative Miracles of Nature that We Learn to Disregard

by Michael J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Project NatureConnect Program Director, Akamai University, Hilo, Hawaii.

When I was a child a magician visited our elementary school and explained that he was going to perform a miracle: "Miraculously, I am going to make something from nothing," he said. He first rolled up his sleeves, then opened wide both his hands and twisted them so we could see them, back and front. He asked us if we recognized that that they were bare and empty. We agreed. They were. No doubt about it. The others and I, including our teacher, saw this with our own eyes. (more…)

Death Call

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, poetry

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Gently, the ocean waves break upon the rocks;
As an old woman rests
Beneath the late afternoon sun.
Sheltered under her favorite umbrella,
Sitting in a worn beach chair.
Listening to the ocean’s soft lullaby;
Slowly, she raises her head
And peacefully calls out across the water.  (more…)

Book Review: The Ferryman’s Dream, Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, reviews

Reviewer: Emmanuel Karavousanos

The Ferryman's DreamOnce in a while one reads a book that not only is a wonderful read, but has a magnet drawing a reader into it and fills the mind with at least a bit of wisdom and good sense. The Ferryman's Dream is such a book with one difference: it delivers a good deal more wisdom than one might expect. Often when reading a book one quickly (perhaps all too quickly) dismisses much of what one reads, hastening to get to "the good parts" or even just to finish. Here, the reader cannot but go back and read once again the fully packed package of ideas this work contains.

Aside from the story, which itself is joyful to read, ideas emerge right from the very beginning. The author, Dr. Bitkoff, can be recognized as one who has reached a state of consciousness that we call mystical. We see the wisdom begin to flow. Bitkoff quickly notifies us of a flaw almost all of us have. It is that the instructions given by spiritual teachers is often "denied or overlooked". (more…)

The Invisible War

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Gabriel of Urantia

The second in a series of 3 articles in relationship to The Deterioration of The Earth and all its Systems—Climatic, Resources, Food, Economic, and Consciousness

For those in the Occupy movement or any activist who is trying to make change in the system about anything, they can no longer ignore what is happening to the planet and all of its systems, including civilization as a whole. They cannot ignore any longer the spiritual aspect or the Spiritualution movement that is taking place all over the earth, even if the people themselves—who are crying out for change—do not even know they are in the Spiritualution movement, because millions of them are in the Spiritualution movement nonetheless. (more…)

Developing Spiritual Awareness

abracad, · Categories: psychic development, spirituality

What is Spiritual Awareness?

Throughout history people have consulted shamans, oracles, witch doctors and others believed to possess "supernatural powers". These days greater numbers than ever, aided by advances in communication and computer technologies, are seeking advice from psychics and mediums and attending Spiritualist churches.

This suggests two things: 1) life often seems so overwhelming that it is necessary to enlist external help, and 2) a belief in (or, at the very least, acknowledgement of the possibility of) some greater power or intelligence existing beyond the physical realm of this world and our present life. Indeed this acknowledgement of some higher, mystical, reality seems innate to humankind, with organized religion the best known of its manifestations.

What may be less obvious to those consulting psychics and mediums is that with a little effort and self-discipline they could obtain the guidance they seek without recourse to a "middle man" and would likely make their lives much more satisfying into the bargain. (more…)