new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Scientists find Hints for the Immortality of the Soul

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, science and spirituality, survival

Some international physicists are convinced, that our spirit has a quantum state and that the dualism between the body and the soul is just as real to as the “wave-particle dualism” of the smallest particles.

Dr. James G. of San Francisco, a former coworker of the German Max-Planck Society in Frankfurt, reported the following incredible story. “I studied not only in the USA, but I also studied chemistry in London for a few semesters. When I came to England, the student housing was full, so I added my name to a waiting list. A short time later, I received the joyous news that a room had become available. Shortly after I had moved in, I awoke one night and in the twilight was able to see a young man with curly, black hair. I was terrified and told the alleged neighbor that he had the wrong room. He simply cried and looked at me with great sadness in his eyes.

When I turned on the light, the apparition had disappeared. Since I was one hundred percent sure it had not been a dream, I told the housemaster about the strange encounter the next morning. I gave her a detailed description of the young man. She suddenly paled. She looked through the archives and showed me a photo. I immediately recognized the young man who had visited me in my room the evening before. When I asked her who he was, she replied with a quivering voice that it was the previous renter. She then added that my room had become available because he had taken his life shortly before.” The author would never have recorded the story had “James” not been an absolutely trustworthy person. (more…)

Discovering Your True Self

abracad, · Categories: purpose, self help

The Human Condition

At essence we are each eternal spirit surrounded by various increasingly transient layers, the most permanent of which being our life purpose. Beyond this lie the various personas we adopt for different roles, and beyond these the consciousness of the moment created by the circumstances of now. Our outer layers are largely junk, created both internally and externally, that we must recognize as worthless and in so doing allow what truly matters to shine through.

The details of life are utterly irrelevant. What seems important in the now is ultimately insignificant. We’ll all soon be dead. Life is nothing more than an experience-giving machine. What really matters is the experience we acquire during the process and carry with us into eternity.

Human experience is inevitably imperfect. Life is not a vacation but a tough school presenting hard lessons, along with the potential for great satisfaction. Inevitably we will make mistakes and fall short of the ideal. But perfection is not our purpose. Our purpose is to learn from our experiences, as such there are no bad experiences or mistakes, only lessons. (more…)

Spiritual Politics

abracad, · Categories: spiritual politics

Spirituality is the recognition that humankind is fundamentally eternal Spirit that is temporarily undergoing physical incarnation primarily for the purpose of gaining experience.

Politics (as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary) is "the art or science of government".

Over time human evolution favored collaborative rather than individual endeavor, eventually realizing the concepts of society and the "state".

Reviewing human achievement there can be little doubt of the success of such rigidly organized groupings in fostering material progress.

The question considered here is whether, how, and to what extent a Spiritual lifestyle should engage with the political process. (more…)

Staying Sane

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

How deep the stillness, when I call the Name. Going inward frees me from myself and I am home again. Into that realm that is truly me and has been me since the souls were created.  Ancient and deep, travels this current through my soul; it is the place where I join with the Light and we dance together again.

Long have I been in this world; although it seems that I arrived just last week. All these opposites reconcile and are washed away in the ocean of my soul; for deep within, my soul dances with the Infinite. All I need do is go inward and recognize myself; that part which has always been, and has always been with the Light. Then I am still, at peace with myself and the Source. (more…)

A Diamond

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Over millions of years the elements combine; heating and cooling, being tossed and weighed down. Then, one day, miracle of miracles- an extraordinary, rare and beautiful stone appears.

Still waiting, covered in the earth, the stone needs to be discovered and brought to a gifted jeweler for cleaning and polishing. Finally completing the preparation and setting the magnificent, shining gem into a fine ring which will adorn the finger of a King/Queen.

O spiritual traveler, do you believe the process of completion is any different for you and I?


Check-out my two books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream.  Both books are available through or local bookstore.

Science and Spirituality

abracad, · Categories: press releases, science and spirituality

Reassessing the boundaries between science, psychical research and Spiritualism

The Spiritualists National Union held a Science Day at the Arthur Findlay Centre on Feb 16th 2013. Audio recordings and slides from the talks are available at

No More Crusading, Please

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Niánn Emerson Chase

The Crusades of Then and Now

Ever since the terrible event of “9/11” in 2001, the dominant culture within the U.S. has taken on new language, language that references those acts of terrorism that occurred in the northeastern part of our country. More than eleven years later, the “costs” are still being calculated. At this time the consensus in dollars is estimated about 3.3 trillion, which includes “hardware” or physical damage, economic impacts, security-related expenses, and the expensive “war on terror” that includes invasion of two countries. Of course, the loss of 2,996 human lives on September 11, 2001 as well as the loss of tens of thousands of lives in the wars that continue to this day and all that accompanies loss of loved ones is nearly impossible to measure. The far-reaching and broad ramifications of this one act of terrorism in one country on one day are still being discovered and are, in the end, mathematically incalculable. And this is just one act of terrorism on one day in one country! How about the acts of terror that have been going on for decades before September 11, 2001 all over the planet? How about the increasing acts of violence that occur daily in numerous countries? How can any of the harm of this madness be thoroughly computed? It can’t. (more…)

UFOs on the record

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, science and spirituality, ufos

Interview with Leslie Kean

by Jason Francis

Author, journalist and co-founder of a group calling for increased government openness to and media coverage of UFO information, Leslie Kean discusses her most interesting cases and what needs to happen if we are to find the truth about the UFO phenomenon.  January/February 2013

Leslie Kean is an independent investigative journalist who has covered the subject of UFOs since the year 2000. In 2002, she co-founded the Coalition for Freedom of Information, a group promoting more government openness on information pertaining to UFOs, and for responsible UFO coverage by the media. In 2007, Kean co-organized a landmark international press conference in Washington DC on official UFO investigations, which received media coverage around the world. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On The Record (Harmony Books, 2010), which formed the basis of a television documentary on the History Channel, 'Secret Access: UFOs on the Record'. Jason Francis interviewed Leslie Kean for Share International. (more…)

"The mind of God"

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, science and spirituality

by Olivier Danès

A discussion of new scientific approaches to the Cause of all; January/February 2013. Re-published courtesy Share International.

Today, many mathematicians and physicists acknowledge the idea that the Universe as we know it, with its galaxies, stars and planets, kingdoms of nature including human beings, cannot have been created by simple chance, but that there must be, behind it, what they call "information" – information which for example "tells" the atoms of matter to stick together to form a table, a plant, or the magazine you are reading. (more…)

Another piece of the puzzle

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, science and spirituality

Interview with researcher and inventor, Harry Oldfield

by Felicity Eliot

New technology has expanded the Kirlian photographic technology, enabling scientists and physicians to see three dimensional images of the energy fields surrounding all life forms, and to investigate the precursory conditions of disease and well being. January/February 2013

Science knows there is something just beyond its present grasp - frustratingly near - but a more complete picture is yet to emerge.

The missing piece of the puzzle in this case has been variously described as dark matter, dark energy, an aspect of Einstein's theory of gravity - a "cosmological constant", perhaps the cause of the expansion of the universe, possibly "some strange kind of energy-fluid which filled space". NASA admits that even now "more is unknown than known".

Science decrees that seeing is believing; whereas perhaps more secrets would be unlocked if that were to be inverted to a rather more esoteric approach - "believing is seeing" - indicating that an open-minded approach to any unknown may allow the researcher to see what she might otherwise dismiss as being impossible. And in a sense that is what has been foisted upon astrophysicists and other scientists who have become aware of the existence of that elusive something.

Harry Oldfield does not purport to know the secrets of the universe but his research has led him to conclusions that physicists might find very interesting.

Felicity Eliot first interviewed Harry Oldfield for Share International in March 1982 and now revisits his work. (more…)