new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Some Observations on Enlightenment

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

“Enlightenment must come little by little-otherwise it would overwhelm.”
-Idries Shah

In spiritual literature, have you ever wondered why there are so few straight forward discussions concerning outcomes of enlightenment; or said another way, once you have traveled a spiritual path, and become more enlightened, for you personally, what will this spiritual ability look like. Here are a few reasons for this limited discussion and some personal observations. (more…)

Living on a Dollar a Day

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics

More than a billion people around the world, one-seventh of the Earth's population, are believed to live on a dollar a day or less. This staggering fact is hard to fathom for many living in affluent countries - yet it is an inescapable reality for many millions living in the developing countries of the world. The lack of awareness about global inequality, and the lack of serious efforts to remedy it, inspired the non-profit organization The Forgotten International to send a photojournalist around the world to document the lives of some of the planet's poorest. The outcome of this journey is captured in the book Living on a Dollar a Day: The Lives and Faces of the World's Poor. Attorney, child advocate, and Professor of Law, Thomas Nazario is the author of this book and the founder and president of The Forgotten International. The compelling photographs featured in Living on a Dollar a Day were shot by Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Renée C.Byer.

Niels Bos interviewed Tom Nazario for Share International. (more…)

A global responsibility

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

Interview with Charlie Mayhew by Jason Francis

The Tusk Trust is a nongovernmental organization formed in Britain in 1990 that promotes and finances grassroots conservation programs throughout Africa. Tusk Trust has started and funded numerous conservation, community development and environmental education programs on the continent. Charlie Mayhew is the group's Chief Executive. In 2005 he was awarded the MBE (Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) by Queen Elizabeth II. Jason Francis interviewed Charlie Mayhew for Share International.

Unfolding Into Activism

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, jesus, spiritual politics

By Niánn Emerson Chase

I was brought up in a home with responsible, dedicated parents who showed how much they cared for us four children in many ways every day. I was taught basically “to do onto others as you would have them do onto you,” which meant to be kind, considerate, honest, and generally “go with the flow” and “don’t rock the boat.” But, as I grew from childhood into my young adult years, it became more and more difficult for me to just flow along, only seeing the good in others and in situations, for I didn’t just see the wonderful and the good (of which there was much in my world), but I also saw much that was not good and was, in fact, horrible. I increasingly realized that the boat of the status quo was very rocky for most of my Apache friends, who weren’t able to go with the flow of the dominant culture that forced a reality of poverty, racism, poor health, and marginalization for them and their tribe. (more…)

Edgar Cayce's Angel

abracad, · Categories: angels, edgar cayce, externally authored

by Doug Simpson

Edgar Cayce, the Edgar Cayce who was destined to become America's legendary mystic, began attending Sunday School classes at age ten. The lesson on his first day was the story of creation, from the book of Genesis. Edgar was mesmerized. He received a gift of his own personal Bible and a life-long love of, and expertise in, the contents of the scriptures commenced. Edgar vowed to read the entire Bible at least once each year for the rest of his life, a promise he faithfully kept. Ten readings in arrears, Edgar was fourteen years old when he completed his fourteenth reading. He started teaching adult Bible classes while still a teenager. (more…)

Multi-level Being

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, poetry, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Each traveler is a one of a kind, original, expression of the Source.
There never has been
Nor will there ever be someone exactly like you.
You are a multi-level being
Traveling through the worlds
Expressing and creating who you are.

O traveler, learn about yourself.
In this activity there is greatness.



Read my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate. Book is available on in paperback, Kindle format or local bookstore.

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Soul's Journey

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, poetry, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Many people think they come back
To this world over and over.
It is not like that.
The soul is on an upward spiral toward God/Truth
And with each journey,
Sheds the clothes of its former existence.
Electing to travel from world to world;
Making it perfect:
One day to join God/Truth
As Pure Radiant Light.

Transmigration of souls
Is on many levels:
Not just in the earth phase.


Read my new book: Beyond The River’s Gate. Book is available on in paperback, Kindle format or local bookstore.

To Order Your Copy Visit Amazon:

Religion: Foundation for Spiritual Learning

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Religion is the basis of life.
It is the focus from which
All other things spring.
-A. Hussain

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Organized religion is a structure through which spiritual learning can begin and mature. Over the years, as travelers advance, spiritual learning takes place more and more outside of a religious context and occurs in daily life through personal spiritual experience. Personal spiritual experience is the natural extension of religious inquiry; the great religions were created to be spiritual highways for travelers to start learning about themselves and their relationship with Truth. (more…)

What’s Your Wild Soul Story?

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

Perhaps as a child you played by a creek entranced by the tiny tadpoles that swam in the flickering depths. Or there was a favorite tree you could never pass without swinging from her branches. Perhaps, caught in a thunderstorm, your spirit rose to the immensity of energy that swirled and crashed around you.

In these moments, we feel a deep connection to the natural world. We feel part of something alive. We are living our Wild Soul Stories.

Our Wild Soul Stories can occur at any time, from childhood to the present.  Often they catch us unawares, as when, after a long, hard day, we watch as the setting sun splays purples and pinks across the sky and we are touched, unexpectedly, by a sense of awe. (more…)

Truth and righteousness contain all morality

abracad, · Categories: buddhism, externally authored, spirituality

By Lt Col R K Langar

Our ideal in life should be to speak the truth and act righteously. When translated into Sanskrit the title of this write up will be SATHYAM VADA DHARMAM CHARA. Mahabharata says that Dharma or Righteousness is adequate to lead one to the status of Absolute Brahman. Mahabharata also underscores that Dharma is eternal Truth and Truth is Righteousness (Dharma). (more…)