new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Stunned By Angelic Help with Health

abracad, · Categories: angels, externally authored, healing

by Jennifer Underwood

I have been working with Angels for months now. I first learned about it in 2007 from a woman that claimed she was an Earth Angel. I found it weird at the time, but did not question it. She slipped out of my life, and years later, because of her, I started to talk to Angels. Problem was, I did not beckon them correctly, and ended up with bad, evil, fake entities that pretend to be Angels. So truly for years, I suffered thinking the Angels did not want to help me. Recently, I read that Archangel Raphael can help you with your health if you call him and imagine he is standing over your head with his amazing green light healing you from top to bottom. (more…)

Peace Chaplain

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, spiritual politics

Chapter 13 of the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War By William T. Hathaway

RADICAL PEACE is a collection of reports from antiwar activists, the true stories of their efforts to change our warrior culture. A seminarian contributed this chapter about learning to love her enemies. Because of her activism, she prefers to remain anonymous.

To celebrate Armed Forces Day the military base near my seminary held an open house, a public relations extravaganza to improve their image and boost recruiting. They invited the public in for a marching band parade, a precision flying show, and a sky diving demonstration. They even offered free lemonade and cookies.

A subversive seminarian, namely me, decided to disrupt the festivities and remind people that the military's job is murder. (more…)

Waiting for the Beloved

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, poetry

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

I have come to the end of the road;
Having climbed many a hill
And walked across many a valley.
Always there was a burning,
Yearning in my soul to continue,
Climb and experience.

At the end of this trail
I have learned that only 2 things
Really matter: those I loved and the Beloved.
Everything else was part of the journey;
Keeping me going until I reached this point.

What lies on the other side of this hill?
Who can say: it is unchartered
And I am exhausted by the climb.
When tomorrow dawns
Perhaps there will be another adventure
And more things to go and do?

Or perhaps I will just sit here
In the sun and rain-
Waiting for the Beloved
To lead me by my hand?



Check out my new book on Amazon: The Appleseed Journal.

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Why Don’t We Remember Past Lives?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, reincarnation

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

The book of your life
Is filled with many blank pages;
You are free to write on them
Whatever you choose.


People do not remember past lives for several different reasons. (more…)

To Travel Far – the Out of the Body Experience

abracad, · Categories: books, consciousness, externally authored

By Darryl E Berry Jr, 2015

Do you remember going to sleep or waking from sleep and being unable to move as if paralyzed? This is commonly experienced at the start or end of an out-of-body experience (OBE or OOBE). Do you remember having dreams of flying or dreams of falling, accompanied by very real sensations of weightlessness or falling? You were likely unconsciously floating into the nonphysical while dreaming of flying, and then experiencing a rapid reintegration with the physical body similarly masked by dream imagery. Do you remember experiencing vibrations, loud engine-like sounds, gunshot-like bangs, or metallic-like clicks inside your head when going to sleep or upon awakening? These are also common occurrences during the initiation or conclusion of an OBE. (more…)

My Favorite Author

abracad, · Categories: edgar cayce, externally authored

By Doug Simpson

Identifying my favorite author is easy. The difficult part is the possibility that many readers may never have heard of him. His name was Edgar Cayce, and he is regarded by many authorities in his field as America's legendary mystic.

If you happen to be unfamiliar with the name, Edgar Cayce, the most probable reason is that you likely belong to a younger generation.  Edger Cayce passed on in 1945, but he left behind an enormous legacy of unimaginably accurate psychic readings on an unusually diverse assortment of topics. (more…)

The Unity Oracle - A spiritual adventure to save the world

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, spirituality

After a series of visions in the Alaskan wilderness, Jason Sananda is instructed by an Inuit Elder to seek his spirituality, through the events in his life. What unfolds over the next 20 years is a mystical adventure, resulting in the creation of a new age Oracle that has the power to shape the destiny of the human race.

What if you could spiritually awaken by reading The Unity Oracle? This profound book will not only entertain and enlighten but stir your own process of spiritual awakening.  Inspiring, captivating and engaging, The Unity Oracle will keep readers glued to the page.  A must read for anyone on a spiritual path.

The Unity Oracle
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Available in paperback and ebook:  The Unity Oracle

Online Psychic Readings – Chat vs. Phone

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, psychic development, self help, spirituality

Ever since the beginning of time, a lot of people have always been interested in getting psychic readings. As much as possible, they would want to consult with psychics who can see into the future and are more intuitive so that they can make the right decisions, the right choices in life. Basically, with psychic readings, what the psychic would do is it will start to read a person’s energy. The energy will determine the type of life that people will have based on their soul energy alone. (more…)

Are Wars Inevitable?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics

By William T. Hathaway

"We've always had wars. Humans are a warring species. Without an army to defend us, someone will always try to conquer us."

These assumptions have become axioms of our culture. They generate despair but also a certain comfort because they relieve us of the responsibility to change.

Many politicians and pundits declare that human nature makes peace impossible, war is built into our genes. They point to research by evolutionary biologists that indicates our closest genetic relatives, the chimpanzees, make war. Therefore war must be part of our heredity. (more…)

Is Nature Random?

abracad, · Categories: purpose, science and spirituality

Life isn't always 'just'. 'Bad' things happen to 'good' people, and vice versa. When stuff happens seemingly regardless of our personal choices/actions it can cause us to question our beliefs about the nature of reality. And in particular whether there is some purpose or meaning driving the universe.

Science has been incredibly successful at discovering and explaining the mechanism by which the physical universe operates. However, science itself in the form of quantum physics has shown there to be not just a practical but an absolute theoretical limit to our knowledge of reality. At the very limits of our understanding the fundamental building blocks of the world around us behave randomly. It is the huge number of such random micro-events that statistically give the appearance of determinism (cause and effect).

But what might lie beyond this impenetrable veil at the limit of potential knowledge? And how might 'randomness' at the micro level give rise to apparent randomness at the level of our experience? (more…)