new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Spiritual Politics

abracad, · Categories: spiritual politics

Spirituality is the recognition that humankind is fundamentally eternal Spirit that is temporarily undergoing physical incarnation primarily for the purpose of gaining experience.

Politics (as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary) is "the art or science of government".

Over time human evolution favored collaborative rather than individual endeavor, eventually realizing the concepts of society and the "state".

Reviewing human achievement there can be little doubt of the success of such rigidly organized groupings in fostering material progress.

The question considered here is whether, how, and to what extent a Spiritual lifestyle should engage with the political process. (more…)

No More Crusading, Please

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Niánn Emerson Chase

The Crusades of Then and Now

Ever since the terrible event of “9/11” in 2001, the dominant culture within the U.S. has taken on new language, language that references those acts of terrorism that occurred in the northeastern part of our country. More than eleven years later, the “costs” are still being calculated. At this time the consensus in dollars is estimated about 3.3 trillion, which includes “hardware” or physical damage, economic impacts, security-related expenses, and the expensive “war on terror” that includes invasion of two countries. Of course, the loss of 2,996 human lives on September 11, 2001 as well as the loss of tens of thousands of lives in the wars that continue to this day and all that accompanies loss of loved ones is nearly impossible to measure. The far-reaching and broad ramifications of this one act of terrorism in one country on one day are still being discovered and are, in the end, mathematically incalculable. And this is just one act of terrorism on one day in one country! How about the acts of terror that have been going on for decades before September 11, 2001 all over the planet? How about the increasing acts of violence that occur daily in numerous countries? How can any of the harm of this madness be thoroughly computed? It can’t. (more…)

Citizens Climate Lobby - creating the political will for a sustainable climate

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, spiritual politics

Interview with Marshall Saunders

by Cher Gilmore

An interview with CCL founder Marshall Saunders, who discusses his mission to empower everyday people to exercise their personal and political power in the cause of saving planet Earth.  January/February 2013

Marshall Saunders, a retired real estate broker, founded Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) in October 2007. According to the group's website, CCL "trains volunteers to speak powerfully to their elected officials, the media and their local communities in order to inspire members of Congress to be leaders and spokespersons for a sustainable climate. CCL volunteers meet with their members of Congress, launch letter-writing campaigns, write letters to the editor and op-ed pieces, and generate editorials to promote a sustainable climate."

As of December 2012, CCL had citizens lobbying teams in 72 US cities and 10 in Canada. CCL's volunteers have had 848 meetings with their Congressional representatives in the last three years to discuss the problem of climate change and legislative solutions such as a revenue-neutral carbon tax, and have had over 1,000 newspaper articles, letters to the editor, and opinion pieces published.

Cher Gilmore interviewed Marshall Saunders for Share International. (more…)

"It's OK, You Can Buy Now"

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Gabriel of Urantia

When 3,000 Americans were killed on 9/11, the dust was barely gone and the rubble not even begun to be cleaned up yet when then-President George W. Bush said his famous line, “It’s OK, you can buy now.” In our profit-driven economy, the big corporations—owned by the 1%—want Americans and the so-called “free world” to be consumers, and the economies of the world are based upon excessive consumerism and materialism. (more…)

Trade and debt relations between rich and poor countries

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Patricia Pitchon, December 2012

The economic crash of 2008 revealed more clearly the reasons why the international economic system must be changed, and the fact of substantial resistance from those who still try to benefit from that broken system. (more…)

Ramblings of an Old Man: America What Happened Here?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

America is all about money. Don’t let anyone fool you. ‘The land of the free and the home of the brave,’ has become a place where vultures wait to take from you and economically, for the average person, it is getting harder and harder to make ends meet

I am semi-retired and for many years worked 2 jobs. Over the last few months, I have forced myself to return to work to make more money to pay mounting medical bills and get back into the world. Recuperating from and treating a chronic illness, I have taken this step.  Probably I would be better off physically/mentally, finding healing, fun activities to fill my hours. Joining a gym, going to a day spa or taking recreational day trips, but necessity requires that I return to work, to keep the financial ‘boat afloat.’  Of course, one needs money to pay for these recreational activities as well; just ask any retired or disabled person.

What happened here? (more…)

To Achieve Cultural And Religious Unity In A One-World Government Outside Of The Control Of The 1%, A Global Spiritualution Is The Only Answer

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Gabriel of Urantia

I personally believe that there should be no borders anywhere on the earth and that we are all planetary citizens, in actuality one planetary family. I coined the phrase in the 1990s:  “One God, One Planetary Family.” The power elite or the 1% would want a different kind of one world government for their own greedy and power-hungry reasons, so that negative movement is already happening within the echelons of the rich and powerful controllers. (more…)

Opinion: Serving the People

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

The Path is none other than service of the people. -Saadi


By nature I am not a political person; I have rarely been interested in politics for a number of personal reasons. Chiefly I find it very hard to understand the mind set that offers, ‘I have solutions for these very complicated problems.’ I am amazed that anyone actually can get vastly divergent groups to agree on anything. In my experience, it is only an emergency or crisis that promotes this level of cooperativeness. Or as in a work/business setting, one person is in charge and ultimately is responsible to make sure the system works. (more…)

Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

A Handbook On How To Defeat The 1%

By Gabriel of Urantia

The Last Chapter

There is a rift now within the general nationwide Occupy movement between the Declaration (99D) project (who want to set up a New Continental Congress with a new Constitution, mostly organized by a man called Michael Pollok, a New York criminal attorney) and the rest of the Occupy movement, who has a General Assembly meeting in Philadelphia on July 4, 2012, comprised of its many contingencies and organizers from all over the country. It looks as though the 99D group still thinks that change can happen within the existing system, and the Occupy movement organizers believe that real change can only happen outside the current system. (more…)

The Invisible War

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Gabriel of Urantia

The second in a series of 3 articles in relationship to The Deterioration of The Earth and all its Systems—Climatic, Resources, Food, Economic, and Consciousness

For those in the Occupy movement or any activist who is trying to make change in the system about anything, they can no longer ignore what is happening to the planet and all of its systems, including civilization as a whole. They cannot ignore any longer the spiritual aspect or the Spiritualution movement that is taking place all over the earth, even if the people themselves—who are crying out for change—do not even know they are in the Spiritualution movement, because millions of them are in the Spiritualution movement nonetheless. (more…)