As we head into yet another year full of great promise, the reality is that most of to go back to living by default only weeks into the New Year. It can be overwhelming, and it may seem impossible, to step boldly forward into manifesting your goals/dreams into real experiences. These dreams are possible! If we get clear with ourselves and access the right goal/dream and then deepen our commitment, it then becomes possible. I love the quote from, Napoleon Hill that states "that what ever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve." (more…)
Thoughts Are Energy: "The Dark Knight Rises"
abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, self helpBy Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
For spiritual travelers, it is taught and stressed: personal thought creates reality, and what we think about strongly influences our personal and collective physical, mental and spiritual world.
As beings of pure conscious energy, on many levels, we are what we think about: both individually and collectively.
In our country, again, there was another man made tragedy, where a crazed, gunman killed and wounded many innocents in a local movie theater. Ironically, the unknowing victims had come to view a late night showing of a new Batman movie entitled:’ The Dark Knight Rises.’ In this real life drama, a crazed, gunman assumed the role of Darkness; shooting, killing and harming many. For personal reasons, rising-up and creating, through deadly force, a night of tragedy, terror and death for many people he did not even know. (more…)