new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Mantra and Consciousness

abracad, · Categories: consciousness, externally authored, meditation, yoga

Author: sushant pandey

A mantra is a combination of psychically potent sound syllables that are capable of influencing the human system. It works on different levels of being (from gross to the subtlest).

Mantras as it is defined, is that tool which liberates the mind from bondage, here bondage means ‘the state of identification of the gross mind’. Mind is always identified with the world of idea name, form and objects. At the energetic level the identification leads to dissipation of energy (vikshepa), mind is tied down to the plane of gross sensorial world creating the spectrum of experiences colored by the polar opposites of pains–pleasures, heat-cold, depression-elation etc. Here in these conditions mantras helps to tune the vibrations of mind to the subtler frequencies of mantras and hence helps to internalize it. (more…)


Comprehensive Guide To Worldwide Meditation Techniques

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

Author: Anmol Mehta

There are as many types of meditation techniques as there are wonderful flavors of ice cream. This allow each person to find a flavor that is delicious to them. In this article series I will provide an overview of many of the different meditation techniques that exist and hopefully this will help you find the style that is sweetest to you. (more…)


Meditation is a Quiet Revolution

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

Author: Jeanie Marshall

For over 30 years, I have been meditating. For almost as many years, in workshops, consultations, friendly conversations, and writing, I have been encouraging, teaching, or leading people to meditate and create quiet times. During this time, the world has changed considerably, and so have I. My most important learning is: everyone is different. Certainly there are commonalities in meditating, but each individual is unique. I consider that meditation is one of the most empowering practices that anyone can engage in. (more…)


How to Choose a Meditation Technique

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

Author: Tom Ball

Why is the Buddha smiling? Because it's finally happened: meditation is mainstream.

Of course, the true "Buddha mind" finds reason to smile from within and is said to be unfazed by such spacetime frivolities as cultural trends, but surely the "enlightened" among us, whoever they are, must be encouraged that meditative practices are being taken up in boardrooms of corporate America, taught at YMCAs, introduced to schoolchildren around the world and even advocated within the military. (more…)


Six Types Of Meditation

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

By Steve Gillman

There are so many different types of meditation. How many? Who knows, but enough so that you can find the one that's right for you. To get your search started, here are six types of meditation you can try. (more…)


The Many Uses of Meditation

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

By Jane Michael

Meditation as often though of as a way to reach some sort of psychic mental state but there are many more reasons for people for individuals pursuing meditation. Through meditation there are a number of ways to lead the body, mind, and spirit to peace and it does not necessarily have to be a difficult task. There are simple techniques that can be used to give beginners the state of mind they are seeking and there are more intricate practices for those that have been involved in meditation for a longer amount of time that will help them to take that state to a higher level. But one thing that individuals who wish to practice meditation must remember is that you have to find the particular technique that is right for you as an individual. (more…)


Zen Meditation

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

By Jane Michael

The first practitioners of Zen meditation were Zen Buddhists monks. The techniques employed in this meditation are breathing, sitting positions, koans, repetition of thoughts, and shikantaza. (more…)


What Is Meditation

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

By Richard Pettinger

Many people may have had glimpses of meditation unconsciously. For example whilst walking through nature and being awed by its beauty and magnitude. Others may have been moved by sublime music. At such moments our mind becomes still and we feel a sense there is something greater beyond our usual perceptions. As mysteriously as it came, such experiences may leave, giving only a fleeting glimpse of a feeling that is hard to describe. Meditation is an attempt to make such experiences permanent and also deepen and expand our own consciousness. (more…)


Walking Meditation Is Meditation In Action

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation

By Sarah Thomas

It isn’t always necessary to sit in silence with crossed legs in order to meditate or benefit from the meditation. Walking meditation is an excellent example of this. Walking meditation requires the use of focus much in the same way as other types of meditation. The difference is that the focus is placed upon the walking experience. (more…)


What Is Color Meditation?

abracad, · Categories: colors, externally authored, meditation

Author: Jane Michael

It is another name for chakra meditation. It deals with contemplating the different charkas; they are also called scared plexes in the subtle or spiritual body. These plexes match particular points in the corporeal body. (more…)
