new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Genie of the Lamp

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff 

Once there was a mighty King who, in a field, buried a miraculous lamp. This lamp and its guardian Genie had wondrous powers. It was said, who ever possessed and used the wishes correctly, had the knowledge and power of the King them self.

O heedless one, awaken to the potential of who you are.  You are the field and the lamp, with its Genie and wishes, lies, unclaimed, within.


Thoughts are energy and man/woman is fundamentally a being of conscious energy; creating his/her own body, events and thought forms, moment to moment.

For most spiritual travelers, this essential aspect of who they are is left out of their early education; rarely are youngsters directly told that their ability to master thoughts operates like a magic lamp. From a mystical view, he/she who controls his own thoughts is Master of both the upper and lower kingdom; this being the dual aspects of our soul- where both baseness and sublimity exist. (more…)

Stages Along the Way

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q: Along the Path, there are various stages.  What is the significance of this?

The worlds keep spinning
Evolving upward;
Toward their higher destiny.
Yet travelers stay fixed in their worlds,
Not moving an inch forward;
Struggling to hold onto what they have.
No matter how painful or inefficient.

In time, these travelers too
must join the upward motion
and reach higher.
SB  (more…)

Is There Such A Thing As Safe Areas And Protected Areas? Are They The Same?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

by Gabriel of Urantia

To answer the questions posed in the title of this article, you have to ask what are you trying to be safe from—weather catastrophes or invading armies or starvation or wild animals or poisonous insects and other creatures?

Often just using good common sense keeps us safe when making decisions concerning certain geographic areas. For instance, if you wanted to be 100% safe from earthquakes, you do not want to live in California. If you want to be 100% safe from tidal waves and tsunamis, you do not want to live close to the oceans. If you want to be safe from tornados, you do not want to live in Kansas. I think you get the picture here. (more…)

Teaching Encounter: Whose Money is it Really?

abracad, · Categories: abundance, externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Many experiences with our teacher- Sam (pseudonym) took place in the mid- 1970’s; when many of us started out in our careers, marriages, just become parents or were attending graduate school.

For most of us money was tight and I remember one day that I was complaining about having to pay an unexpected repair bill; I felt that there were so many others uses for my money.

That day the lesson didn’t come easy and often serves as a reminder that our desires and needs as a spiritual traveler are usually secondary. The following encounter was my lesson about money and focus. (more…)

Talking to God/Light

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

When traveling the mystical path, travelers often want prayers, exercises and techniques that will work for them.  Requesting guidance from one who has traveled a little further or even reached their goal, hoping that with practice, these techniques and exercises will increase their understanding and proximity.

Often what is missing from this selective use of other traveler’s practice is that each traveler’s position along the path is different; and what worked for one will not automatically work for another. Not factored into the learning structure are determinants such as readiness and Grace. (more…)

Spiritual Traveler: Form to Essence

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

At the beginning I was mistaken in four ways. I sought to remember God, to know Him, and to seek Him. When I had come to the end, I saw that He had remembered me before I remembered Him, that His knowledge of me had preceded my knowledge of Him, His love toward me had existed before my love to Him, and He had sought me before I sought Him.*

Bayazid Bistami


This striking quote by the Sufi Bayazid indicates that the spiritual search is comprised of 2 actions or journeys; the first journey being the traveler’s action toward the goal and the second that action of the goal or teaching upon the traveler: this second action being the saving Grace. (more…)

Spirit Dialectic

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

by Donald MacPhie

Something amazing happened to me – the experience of a remarkable phenomenon and possibility of human consciousness. It took place over a considerable time, approaching two decades. Its structural aspects are intriguing, and integrally linked to the substance, which is existentially inclusive. (more…)

A Call to Hearts

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

When are we going to stop thinking in terms of religion, country, tribe, town, neighborhood, planet, business and I. When will we begin to think in terms of humanity and helping all people reach higher? Yes. It is natural to think about self, but when are we going to start thinking about and helping others? Feeding the hungry; giving care to the sick and dying; helping the young child to fight hopelessness; learning to use their abilities to help self and others. (more…)

To Achieve Cultural And Religious Unity In A One-World Government Outside Of The Control Of The 1%, A Global Spiritualution Is The Only Answer

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Gabriel of Urantia

I personally believe that there should be no borders anywhere on the earth and that we are all planetary citizens, in actuality one planetary family. I coined the phrase in the 1990s:  “One God, One Planetary Family.” The power elite or the 1% would want a different kind of one world government for their own greedy and power-hungry reasons, so that negative movement is already happening within the echelons of the rich and powerful controllers. (more…)

Invitation: The Golden Path, The Superhighway to God

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

by Dr Stewart Bitkoff

The following piece is taken from Servant of God (Golden Path Press); which is a first hand account of a meeting with a modern Sufi Saint (Sam). Later, material in this book was used to help write Sufism for Western Seekers and The Ferryman’s Dream.  If you are searching for a Path, as God Wills, this may be the Path for you. (more…)