new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Hugo Chavez (1954 - 2013)

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

by Benjamin Creme

A tribute to this "simple man who became a national hero." April 2013

Hugo ChavezHugo Chavez was a simple man who became a national hero, much loved by the majority of the poorer people of Venezuela. He is said by Western media commentators to have been 'controversial', suggesting some failures or outlandish behaviour on his part. He was a nationalist who thought in global terms. He was a simple man from simple beginnings, who took upon himself, through love of his country and people, the role of benefactor. He was a man of great ideals who sought to reverse the terrible poverty of millions of his fellow countrymen, to stand up for them and their right to life.

Chavez used, as is well known, the profits of the huge oil resources of Venezuela to overcome the poverty that roused the ardour of his compassion. For this he was loved by his people and loathed by those greedy forces whose hatred of 'socialism' retards the transformation for the better of this world. He was a hero and a democrat, who sought power only for the benefit of his brothers and sisters.

He is accused by his enemies of leaving his country, potentially rich, with enormous debts. But these accusations come from countries like the US and Britain and others who themselves have enormous debts. Britain owes billions and US debts are measured in trillions. Other countries have their poor, but they do not have a Chavez to support them.

Benjamin Creme, source: © Share International


Enlightenment: Initial Discussions

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff


As our society moves forward in its study and growing understanding of different spiritual paths, one of the things required is a dialogue concerning the nature of personal enlightenment. Or said another way, after studying a particular spiritual path, for the average traveler, what does personal spiritual development look like?

Often travelers start out on a spiritual quest uncertain about outcome. Having only a strong feeling that a particular path is calling, unsure where this study will lead; perhaps their point of reference being a specific teacher or what they have heard from other students or read.  Sometimes travelers define their search in terms of outcomes such as reading minds, gaining mysterious powers, spiritual states, being at peace, or wondering how learning will set them apart from others: that is make them individually special.

The following is a beginning discussion concerning possible outcomes of spiritual learning. (more…)

Walking the Balance

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

Niánn Emerson Chase

From the time I was a child I have had dreams of higher more sustainable worlds—worlds that are more sane, more compassionate, more reasonable, more joyful, and more peaceful than the one I am living in. These dreams seem to come from deep within me, as if they are part of my particles, part of my personality as a human being. I dream these visions of truth, beauty, and goodness when I sleep as well as when I am awake. These visions of something much better have brought me joy and reassurance as well as torment.

Sustainable Living: How Do We Achieve It? Where Do We Begin?

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

Niánn Emerson Chase

I was blessed to live in Sedona (in north-central Arizona) for more than twenty years before moving to the Tubac/Tumacácori area in southern Arizona where I am even more blessed. Sedona is a lovely town of much natural and architectural beauty, a town of red rocks silhouetted against an intensely blue sky, rising above gated communities of perfectly landscaped properties adjoining bright green, manicured golf courses. (Of course there are many ungated neighborhoods too.)  It is true, that the town of Sedona gives the impression of being an oasis in a high desert. Though most of the residents and approximately three million annual tourists appreciate the natural majesty of the red rock land, people often cling more to the human-made amenities that abound there. In their daily lives residents and visitors alike can get lost in the "culture" of Sedona, almost ignoring the more subtle gifts offered within the intricate web of life in the natural world. (more…)

Who Or What Is God?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

God is the Light of the universe and is the mother and father of us all.  God is present in everything and is the underlying unity. God is the life force and binds together the worlds. God is all loving and merciful, and a piece of God- spark of energy- called the Heart is in everyone.

God is greater than the creation and exists beyond the universe. While we may know and experience God, many aspects of God are beyond our experience and remain a mystery.

In our age, science has defined God as a supra-energy force that is part of everything and connects all things.  This reality, mystics have perceived and used for countless centuries: bringing Light to the spiritual darkness.

For some, attached to the Word/Name God are many negative connotations; if this is true for you, for ease of learning, substitute the Word- Light. This may help you travel through these pages; remember it is the Light which dissipates spiritual darkness. (more…)

Humanity at a crossroads

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, in the news, spiritual politics

Interview with Ross Ashcroft
by Gill Fry

Ashcroft, an independent film maker in the UK, answers questions about making his landmark film, Four Horsemen. He discusses the basic fallacies and injustices inherent in the neo-classical economic system that has generated the current economic crisis. Reproduced courtesy Share International magazine March 2013.

Four Horsemen is an independent UK documentary, released in 2012, that questions the global economic system and suggests ways that we can reform it. The film includes a mix of powerful footage, animations and interviews with 23 leading thinkers including Noam Chomsky, Joseph Stiglitz, author John Perkins, children's campaigner Camilla Batmanghelidjh and former Wall Street trader and journalist Max Keiser.

On the Four Horsemen website the filmmakers state: "If more people can equip themselves with a better understanding of how the world really works, then the systems and structures that condemn billions to poverty or chronic insecurity can at last be overturned. Solutions to the multiple crises facing humanity have never been more urgent, but equally, the conditions for change have never been more favourable." (more…)

Ecology goes behind bars

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

Interview with Nalini Nadkarni
by Jason Francis

Nadkarni, founder of the Sustainability in Prisons Project, discusses the benefits of engaging prisoners in projects that research and foster sustainable living.  Reproduced courtesy Share International magazine March 2013

The Sustainability in Prisons Project has been bringing science and nature into prisons since 2004. The organization conducts ecological research and conserves biodiversity by building partnerships with scientists, inmates, prison staff, students and community partners. Their focus is on reducing the environmental, economic and human costs of prisons by inspiring and teaching sustainable practices. Dr Nalini Nadkarni, the group's founder, received her PhD in forest ecology at the University of Washington and is widely recognized as an expert in the field. She currently teaches at the University of Utah. Jason Francis interviewed Dr Nadkarni for Share International. (more…)

Understanding Orbs

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Tom T. Moore, copyright 2013

Perhaps you’ve seen photos from your friends or in this magazine of orbs.  Some are quite simple, appearing like a thousand light bulbs suspended in the air.  Others are quite complex, with intricate designs and shapes.  So what are “orbs?”  You’ll be intrigued by the answers I received in my meditations.

Orbs are spirits in many different forms.  They are energy with consciousness.  Their energy is just above the human eye spectrum, which is why they normally can only be seen in photographs.  Few humans have the ability to see them with their naked eyes.  They cannot be touched—your hand would go right through them. (more…)

Giving & Helping

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q:        Why is it important to give to others?  Some religions request a percent of your wage as regular donation.

The universe as we know it could not exist without giving.  Giving is natural and is another aspect of the Divine.  Just as a mother gives life to her child, freely offers milk and guidance through the years, so, we must learn to give of ourselves.  In giving to others, without expectation, we are living our higher destiny.

On the spiritual level, when the higher comes forward, we are in tune with Truth.  This occurs so we can be of service and give whatever is needed.  For an example, look at the lives of the Servants of God.  Each had a vocation and their life involved helping others reach higher.  Some helped with sickness, others with guidance, or providing spiritual light to those who were in darkness.

Give to others, without expectation or indebtedness and you will discover who you are. (more…)

Have You Heard? He Has Risen, And So Can We

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, jesus, wise words

A Message for Easter

Niánn Emerson Chase

Dear Friend:

How are you? I just had to send you this letter to tell you how much I love and care about you. I saw you yesterday as you were walking with your friends. I waited all day hoping you would talk to me also. As evening drew near I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool breeze to rest you. And I waited. You never came. Oh yes, it hurt me, but I still love you because I am your friend. I saw you fall asleep last night, and I longed to touch your brow so I spilled moonlight upon your pillow and face. Again, I waited, wanting to rush down so we could talk. I have so many gifts for you. You awakened late and rushed off for the day. My tears were in the rain. Today you looked so sad, so alone. It makes my heart ache because I understand. My friends let me down and hurt me many times too,. but I love you. I try to tell you in the quiet green grass; I whisper it in the leaves and trees; breathe it in the colors of the flowers. I shout it to you in the mountain streams and give the birds love songs to sing. I clothe you with warm sunshine and perfume the air. My love for you is deeper than oceans and bigger than the biggest want or need you have. We will spend eternity together in heaven. I know how hard it is on this earth. I really know because I was there, and I want to help you. My Father wants to help you too. He’s that way you know. Just call me; ask me; talk to me. It’s your decision. I have chosen you, and because of this, I will wait because I love you.

Your friend,
Jesus (more…)