new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Love Never Dies

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, survival

Dr. Jamie Turndorf

He was my soulmate and he never left me.

When I was a young girl, I received a detailed premonition of the man that I would one day marry. So I was content to wait for him to appear.

And he did appear on the first day of my freshman year at Vassar College. I had been shut out of all the introductory sociology classes and I was told to ask Jean Pin, the department chair, if he could find a spot for me in one of the closed classes. (more…)

The Story of the SOULS of Jesus the Christ and Edgar Cayce In Palestine

abracad, · Categories: edgar cayce, externally authored, jesus

by Doug Simpson

The Edgar Cayce life readings provide us with the opportunity to view incarnations of Jesus and of Edgar Cayce, in Palestine, and they reveal, without question, some enlightening information on a time when their souls worked in consort.  At the time of Jesus, Edgar Cayce's soul had an incarnation as a man known as Lucius.  Lucius is mentioned twice in the New Testament.  Acts 13:1 identifies Lucius of Cyrene at the church at Antioch, and Romans 16:21 names him with Timothy and others.  No other details concerning Lucius are revealed in the Gospels.

Edgar Cayce had channeled two life readings from the Heavenly Source for himself, and neither of these readings had mentioned an incarnation at the time of Jesus.  It was often pointed out by the Heavenly Source in the approximately 2500 Edgar Cayce life or reincarnation readings that the life readings did not reveal all previous incarnations for the recipient of the reading, but only information on those incarnations which the Source deemed helpful to the recipient's current lifetime, and at his or her current age.  (more…)

The Great Teacher

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff 

Q:  In this age, many are awaiting the return of the Great Teacher. Please speak to this prophecy.

It is a prophecy that the Great Teacher will return and again turn hearts upward in remembrance. As circumstance dictates, the Great Teacher will make public the Teaching. Always it is the same spiritual teaching that is updated into a modern form. At present the work and teaching occurs on a spiritual level.

The teaching is that the great religions are all one and spring from the same source. Mankind has forgotten to sip of this ancient river and experience the inner reality of God’s Love and Mercy through the Light.

We are all brothers and sisters and are most distant from our lasting spiritual nature when we forget to experience this reality. This is the eternal teaching and how to accomplish this is the inner mystery teaching of the great religions. (more…)

How to Find the Right Wife

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, self help

By Rabbi Allen S. Maller

Everyone said David was very lucky. When his grandfather had died David had inherited a sailboat, an expensive car and lots of money. Two years later when David’s grandmother died David inherited a big house and lots of jewelry. Because he lived in a big house, and had a sailboat, and an expensive car and lots of money, there were lots of girls who liked David. Everyone said that David was a very lucky young man.

But David didn’t think so. David thought he was very unlucky. All the girls that he fell in love with turned out to be wrong for him. He married one beautiful girl and then got divorced when he realized that she was very stubborn, self-centered and materialistic.

He broke his engagement with another beautiful girl who was very jealous, liked to drink too much, and was mean and nasty to his parents. As the years went by and he was unable to find the right woman David began to despair of ever becoming a happily married man. (more…)

Bending Of Will

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

As the willow bends to the wind
And the leaf curls to the rain,

O Lord, I surrender to You.

*    *

Following a spiritual path, early on, travelers are taught that life is up to them: we come into the earth phase with a multitude of talents, free will, a destiny or life plan and a wondrous world to express the many aspects of self.  (more…)

The Birth of Jersey Yogi: The Unintentional Enlightenment of an Uptight Man

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By Jim Starr

My then wife, Janine, saw that I had a story in me that needed to come out. I’d been writing other stuff – mostly philosophical essays and things I call Short Pieces, but she noticed that I was still in great awe of the changes I had experienced when I first encountered Rolfing, and Muktananda. At a party, or any other venue where I could find someone interested enough to listen, I would never fail to relate, with great animation (not my normal way), one or more of the magical incidents from the years when I began to wake up. I remember them so vividly!

“Jim, what you really want to write is your story.” (more…)

The Appleseed Journal

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, press releases

A Spiritual Message for Modern Times

A new book from Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

The Appleseed Journal

Johnny Appleseed is an authentic American hero celebrated in film, literature and art. While famous for growing the apple industry, relatively little is known about his accomplishments in the world of spirit.

Based on actual events, this Journal chronicles Johnny’s travels during a period of time in 1843 when he mysteriously went missing. While on his way to a convention at the Church of New Jerusalem in Philadelphia, something transpired and he never arrived. Historically there is no information about why he did not attend.

As a minister Johnny had a spiritual calling and provided apple seedling, a life staple along the frontier, as part of his work. It is rumored that Hudson Valley, New York is the place where Johnny planted a message so that it could be harvested by spiritual travelers in our time. This is his story.

Buy on Amazon: (more…)

Types of aura

abracad, · Categories: auras, externally authored

by Milan Nostrad

Each type of aura is associated with a certain part of the body, the aura is there settled. The most frequent type of aura is on the picture.

General aura
General aura

I call it a general aura, because it has about fifty percent of population. Thousand years ago, this percentage was lower. It influenced by rationality. At that time the general population could not read or write. They had not so developed brain and this aura is associated with the midbrain. Of course, two thousand years ago this percentage was even lower. At that time we had more shamanic and abdominal aura. I do not know what percentages have the other types of aura. These percentages are only an approximation, I have never done statistics. (more…)

The Gospels' Veiled Agenda (Review)

abracad, · Categories: books, externally authored, jesus, reviews

The Gospels' Veiled Agenda - Revolution, Priesthood and The Holy Grail by Harry Freedman

Review by Wendy Stokes

the gospels veiled agenda

Dr Freedman here examines the life of Jesus and what we can learn about his mission by looking at parallels, connections and shadowing from the time of the Old Testament. For instance, Isaac carrying the wood for his own death on the pyre and Jesus carrying his cross to his crucifixion; a decree for all boy children to be put to death finds Moses saved in the bull-rushes and a similar decree finds Jesus taken to Egypt for safety. Moses fasted 40 days and nights, as did Jesus. Many incidents in the lives of Adam, Noah, David, Joseph, Isaac, Elijah and others are born out in the New Testament. (more…)

Creating a niche to save the rainforests

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

Interview with David Seaborg

by Monte Leach

The World Rainforest Fund, a nonprofit group founded in 1984, is dedicated to preserving biodiversity and saving rainforests worldwide, primarily tropical rainforests in Latin America. The group's focus is on the Brazilian Amazon, the largest intact rainforest on Earth. The fund helps indigenous people save their rainforest homes; gives grants to nonprofit groups carrying out projects of special value to conserve rainforests; and educates the US public on the importance of preserving rainforests. David Seaborg, founder and president of the World Rainforest Fund, is an evolutionary biologist and a long-time environmental activist. Monte Leach interviewed David Seaborg for Share International. Source: © Share International (more…)