new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Interview with Gods - The eBook

abracad, · Categories: ebooks, environment, press releases

from Ivan Cavalcanti

Dear friends,

We all live in a living planet, a fragile organism that needs balance to be able to sustain all living beings inside this wonderful network of minerals, plants, animals and men.

As a seeker in this universe of possibilities and information, I come to you with the intention of share my experiences and my knowledge. I wrote a book, "Interview with Gods", which through a fictional story seeks to bring a new way to view, analyze and think about our lives and all living beings which surround us, providing us this wonderful opportunity to participate in all natural processes that sustain this universe. (more…)


Voting to protect animal life

abracad, · Categories: environment, in the news, spiritual politics

This forum doesn't generally involve itself in party politics, however, there is one issue on which we feel we ought to appeal from a Spiritual perspective to our friends in Great Britain who are currently in the process of choosing a new government.

Though we have many issues with the current administration we congratulate it for introducing a ban on the hunting of wild animals with dogs, effectively outlawing the barbaric practice of fox hunting. Sadly, the Conservative Party - which is widely tipped to win the election - is committed to repealing this ban and re-introducing blood "sports". (more…)


Animal and Human Connections

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

By Catherine Poole

We all love our animals. Many people ask me, as a medical intuitive, if their beloved pets make it to heaven. The answer is, "Yes, they do!" Animals are on a different vibratory level than humans, and before you are quick to pass judgment, I must emphasize that they are on a higher, not lower plane! Animals do not contend with ego like humans do. Also, many animals vibrate to the color green which is the color of teaching and unconditional love. (more…)


Animal Rights - How We Treat Animals Reflects Who We Are

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored

By Randy Wysong

From a purely biological perspective, no creature inherently has rights beyond that which it has the power to impose. What is able to survive does, what cannot does not. But our world is not just biology. It is ethics as well. "Might makes right" cannot be the operating paradigm in a world where freedom, compassion, humanity, and love are desired. Nor are we removed from consideration of the rights of other creatures just because we are paying somebody else to create drugs, scent a deodorant, or raise our food. (more…)


Switch Off for Mother Earth

abracad, · Categories: environment, in the news

Vote Earth For Earth Hour


In December 2009 world leaders meet in Copenhagen to agree on a post-Kyoto policy for tackling climate change. One billion people voting with their light switch during Earth Hour on March 28 will create a powerful mandate for our leaders to take strong and decisive action on climate change in Copenhagen. (more…)


Live Earth - Planetary Crisis or Global Con

abracad, · Categories: environment, in the news, spiritual politics

Yesterday's Live Earth concerts aimed at raising awareness of the impending environmental crisis were seen by some 2 billion people around the planet.

There is near unanimity amongst leading scientists that the future of the world hangs in the balance unless mankind starts to take action now. There has recently been major and growing publicity over the issue and few of the people that matter can plead ignorance after yesterday's concerts.

And yet still cynicism / doubts remain:

All valid arguments of course. But the facts are:

At a time when we seem more at conflict than ever, doesn't it give us a chance to show the benefits of working together for a common purpose.


Are we Kiling Mother Earth?

abracad, · Categories: environment, spirituality

Have no fear for atomic energy, cause none of them can stop the time Bob Marley.
A few days ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (consisting of top scientists) concluded it is very likely that human activity is causing global warming. Among its predictions are temprature rises between 1.8 and 4 degrees C and a rise of sea levels of 28-43cm.

Similar findings were reported by Sir Nicholas Stern for the UK government toward the end of 2006.

The evidence is unequivocal. If we continue as we are going, we are undoubtedly damaging and will ultimately destroy the planet we call home.

But should we care? Human existence is shortlived. It's likely that most of those reading these words will have passed on before their worst effects are realized.

The physical universe, including planet earth, was manifested by Spirit for the purpose of providing a theater for us to experience the adventure of incarnation. In so doing we have been granted free will, for that is the only way we could benefit from our time in flesh.

The future of the planet is truly in our hands. If we fail to act then we sign our own extinction warrant. All would not be lost, for Spirit would go on and we would surely become manifest elsewhere.

But given that we have the awareness of what is happening, and the capacity to do something about it, to fail to act is to retard our evolution.

The problem is that real action must take place at group level. Individuals may play their part, but unless we do so as one such isolated attempts are unlikely to have much effect. Perhaps the real challenge of the environment is whether we can put aside individuality and re-discover our belonging to the one-ness that is Spirit.
