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How to run Past Life Regressions
by Bob Makransky
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It is the emotional content of these regressions which is of primary
importance, not whether they are conceptually real (although my
spirit guides assure me that they are no more nor less real than
the life we are living now). Nor is it important that you intellectually
resolve the “meaning” of this or that life. You just
try to be aware that such-and-such a person is hurting you in this
lifetime because you asked him to, to atone for what you did to
him in another life; or that your stirrings towards music, say,
or agriculture reflect a valid part of your being – another
life in which you were a musician or a farmer; or that your irrational
anger, joy, fears, and hopes are often quite rational and logical
after all.
The emotional recognition in a regression is due to an actual
line which connects you to the “you” in the regression.
Clairvoyants see these connections as fibers of living light, but
most people sense them as feelings, emotional connections. The theory
is that these fibers from other lives bind us to neurotic patterns
of behavior in this one – we feel a need to keep reliving
our mistakes until we get them right. By running past lives it becomes
possible to recognize these patterns, which immediately releases
a lot of the energy that’s tied up in them; i.e., it loosens
the fibers between that life and this one, allowing the conscious
mind to decide if it wants to do something about the patterns (instead
of being dominated by them unawares).
After running a life, it often helps to jot down the impressions
you have of it. What was the main thrust or purpose of that life?
What lessons did you learn? How did you feel about it after you
died? There’s no need to become morbid or obsessed about past
lives – just draw your conclusions and move on. After you
have run a great many past lives, you will begin to notice certain
trends or feelings that keep recurring over and over. For example,
during a difficult time in my marriage my guides directed me and
my wife to run scores of past lives that we had together, so that
we would understand how it was that we were at the place we had
gotten to. It turned out that in most of our past lives together
one of us had murdered the other one. Beyond that there were many
other recurrent themes throughout our lives together that were repeated
in this one.
“The victim must, in the Shiftings, live the act of cruelty,
not as victim but as tyrant; whereas the tyrant must by a necessity
of his or her nature become the victim. …The souls of victim
and tyrant are bound together and, unless there is a redemption
through the intercommunication of the living and the dead, that
bond may continue life after life.” - A Vision
For most people the vast majority of past lives consist either
of unremitting hardship and suffering, or else of selfishness and
chicanery. I, personally, have had lots of lives as a scoundrel,
and it’s interesting how many bells these ring for me in my
present life. It can humble you a little, or at least make you realize
that in your own heart there is a killer, a drunkard, or a psychopath,
no matter how pious and privileged you think you are; and they’re
not that far beneath the surface, either.
On the other hand, you’ll find lives in which you were quite
admirable – courageous, loving, and wise. These lives will
also directly connect to your better side in this life, and confirm
your sense of purpose and direction.
It’s this emotional recognition which is the gist of the
thing. This is your own heart speaking to you, giving you messages
of truth which you usually ignore or take for granted until they’re
somehow pointed out to you. Past life regressions bring a lot of
subconscious flotsam and jetsam up to the conscious mind, which
is necessary because everything originates in the conscious mind,
and can only be controlled or dispelled by the conscious mind; but
first the conscious mind has to be made aware of it. Running past
life regressions loosens our light fibers by tuning us into other
moods (“life purposes”) from other lives and realities.
In past life regressions we have a safe and powerful technique
for bringing useful information up from the subconscious, to help
us get to our true purpose in incarnating, and to understand and
accept who we really are.
(excerpted from Bob Makransky’s
book The Great Wheel)
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