new age spirituality

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How to Read Palms

The Price of Love is Grief

T.Stokes, Consultant Palmist

Printed previously in the mediums paper psychic news in 2000

This is the palm print of one of today's great healers, the great medium and speaker, " Karen". Lets share her life's journey through her joy and pain, as registered in her palm-print.

Her left hand shows the head line, (lower of the two running across the hand) being tightly bound to the life line, showing both caution and sensitivity, coupled with short and low set little finger, meaning a late developer emotionally.

The forked end to the headline, gives both indecision and mental flexibility, plus an ability to see other peoples viewpoints, an essential point in spiritual counselling. The bereaved can often show anger in the grief process, keep in mind, "pain, fear and anger are effects of causes which can be foreseen and known but sorrow is a debt that someone else makes for us, and bereavement is the greatest of sorrows" and it is this area that the best psychics and mediums excel.

Karen is an Aries subject which rules the head, and a split head line ending is often called the writers fork, this sign with a large first or Jupiter finger, which always tells of a karmic need to be in charge, or to be the boss in some way, and this finger being slightly pointed and spiritual, coupled to this being her left or internal hand, instructs us that she, a spiritual leader feels compelled to write a "how to do book," on spiritual subjects.

The type of book is confirmed by the superb "intuition" line, that runs from opposite the lifeline up to the base of the little or mercury finger, culminating in four small lines on its base, which are known as the "healing stigmata".

All spiritual work in one way or another is healing oriented, a good reading can put a sad soul at peace.

Most clairvoyants have development around the third eye chakra, and hers is confirmed in the palm centre, and again with an eye shaped knuckle on the Saturn finger.

An appropriate proverb here is "the love you have given and received is enough, All those impulses of love, return to the love that made them, There is a land for the living and a land for the dead, the bridge is love, the only survival the only meaning."

So as the jigsaw comes together we see; someone that was always a sensitive, developed it in mid twenties, (look for thickening in the intuition line at this time). And confirmed on the lifeline and feels driven to write a book on spirits, angels and healing and with the sign of the temple which must manifest as a line with three equal endings, known in palmistry as a "trifurcation", this is seen in the palm centre at head line junction, corresponding to age 38 on her fate line, and confirms the spiritual subject matter, and the discovery of her spiritual abilities, at this age.

For destiny to give us a gift from spirit, often something has to go in balance, hers has been the lack of love in her life.

Chinese philosophy has the saying, "beware the anger of the patient man" and our subject is noted for her patience with hecklers at her meetings, but was recently in the news for slapping a religious crank who threw an egg.

This is a super hand, with success everywhere except in emotional matters, being famous tends to attract strange admirers, but few close acquaintances.

Now because the stronger end to the headline fork is the upper one with a heavy middle zone to her little finger we see that she can be quite business minded and knows the book must be economically viable, or it just will not happen.

All very well, but at what cost?

There is often conflict between heart and head with women, Shakespeare said; "love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs" and this palmerscope gives the promise of many sighs.

Within the deep labyrinth that is the emotions, psychologists divide us into 3 groups, this one is type "c", or one who bottles things up. Emotional expression is limited, so worry fretfulness and agitation will result in occasional outbursts, often at the wrong Target. The finger of expression, or mercury, being low set and short, coupled with the Heart line that is knocked out of its correct place, by a romantic disappointment, and dropping to the beginning of head and life, this, added to a Venusian grille, screams of an unhappy love life. If the energy that should normally be routed through the emotional channels is hampered by blockages, then the energy will find another route, sometimes men choose money or acquisitions but in women it often is spirituality, or religion, and as practicality rules, we can say an every day religion such as Christianity, or one of its 200 derivatives, and our medium has toured the world preaching Christian Spiritualism, and is just as famous for her talks on angelic visions, as giving comfort to the bereaved.

The fluffy and uncertain heart line (upper crossing line) says between the ages 30 to 47 years, is the period of greatest emotional growth, but only if she is in charge.

Unfortunately, pain is the best teacher, Schopenhaur said; "pain and suffering are as necessary to man as ballast is to a ship" The romantic landscape certainly improves soon, there is a time in our lives for sowing and a time for reaping, over work can be a cruel master, the saying "he who gazes into the abyss, should take care lest the abyss gaze into you." and Karen just back from an overseas tour is exhausted.

The thin end to the thumb is a guide to depleted energy levels. Confirmed by skin blemishes on the hand backs, resembling acne, which could be a milk allergy, now increasingly common.

In summing up I recommended, both trying goats milk, or vitamin E cream, to remove the skin blemishes, some vitamin D, with oil of evening primrose. And of course "time out", preferably with her meditation regime, again.

To answer her only question, "I was in an abusive relationship to a man who loved the bottle more than me, will I ever be emotionally happy?" At last, and after many bumpy starts, yes.
A promised meeting for love is seen in her hands for the near future, around Christmas.

Remember Isaiah 49-16 "for behold I have engraven thee on the palms of my hands thy walls are continually before me". "Walls" are an old term for a home with comfort, and the promise of love.

"Happy palmistry" copyright 2000 T.Stokes
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