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The Rosicrucian Mysteries by Max Heindel


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This knowledge is of the utmost importance to parents, as a proper understanding of the development which should take place in each of the septenary epochs enables the educator to work intelligently with nature and thus fulfill more thoroughly the trust of a parent than those who are ignorant of the Rosicrucian Mystery Teaching. We shall therefore devote the remaining pages to an elucidation of this matter and of the importance of the knowledge of astrology upon the part of the parent.

_The Mystery of Light, Color and Consciousness._

“God is Light,” says the Bible, and we are unable to conceive of a grander simile of His Omnipresence, or the mode of His manifestation. Even the greatest telescopes have failed to reach the boundaries of light, though they reveal to us stars millions of miles from the earth, and we may well ask ourselves, as did the Psalmist of old: Whither shall I flee from Thy Presence? If I ascend into heaven Thou art there, If I make my bed in the grave (the Hebrew word _sheol_ means _grave_ and not hell), Thou art there, If I take the wings of morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall thy hand lead me.

When, in the dawn of Being, _God the Father_ enunciated _The Word_, and _The Holy Spirit_ moved upon the sea of homogeneous _Virgin Matter_, primeval _Darkness_ was turned to _Light_. That is therefore the prime manifestation of Deity, and a study of the principles of Light will reveal to the mystic intuition a wonderful source of spiritual inspiration. As it would take us too far afield from our subject we shall not enter into an elucidation of that theme here, except so far as to give an elementary idea of how divine Life energizes the human frame and stimulates to action.

Truly, God is ONE and undivided, He enfolds within His Being all that is, as the white light embraces all colors. But He appears three-fold in manifestation, as the white light is refracted in three primary colors: Blue, Yellow and Red. Wherever we see these colors they are emblematical of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three primary rays of divine Life are diffused or radiated through the sun and produce _Life_, _Consciousness_ and _Form_ upon each of the seven light-bearers, the planets, which are called “the Seven Spirits before the Throne.” Their names are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. Bode’s law proves that Neptune does not belong to our solar system and the reader is referred to “Simplified Scientific Astrology” by the present writer, for mathematical demonstration of this contention.

Each of the seven planets receives the light of the sun in a different measure, according to its proximity to the central orb and the constitution of its atmosphere, and the beings upon each, according to their stage of development, have affinity for some of the solar rays. They absorb the color or colors congruous to them, and reflect the remainder upon the other planets. This reflected ray bears with it an impulse of the nature of the beings with which it has been in contact.

Thus the divine Light and Life comes to each planet, either directly from the sun, or reflected from its six sister planets, and as the summer breeze which has been wafted over blooming fields carries upon its silent invisible wings the blended fragrance of a multitude of flowers, so also the subtle influences from the garden of God bring to us the commingled impulses of all the Spirits and in that varicolored light we live and move and have our being.
