new age spirituality

Psychic Powers and Psychics

Though we all originate from Spirit, and remain Spirit throughout our brief journey through the earth plane, while here we are for various reasons distanced from our Spiritual essence. However, we all have the potential to connect to that essence more closely while incarnate in flesh and increasing numbers seek to do so as witnessed by the popularity of the so-called new age movement. We may do so in two ways. Firstly by developing our own psychic potential to its full, and secondly by seeking advice from a fellow traveller who may have done so to a greater degree than ourselves. Guidance is offered on both routes.

psiTest is an online test of your precognitive psychic ability.

Telling the Future asks if it is really possible to predict the future. This article examines the philosophical implications of precognition, gives examples of prophecy, and presents a model of how a non-existent future can be at least partially predicted.

Psychic Attack: Spiritual Purification and Cord Cutting by Lisa Whatley. Energy stealers are everywhere! They are your family members, your friends and they are your co-workers and YOU may even be one yourself. A more common name is a Psychic Vampire and we all know what vampires do! Spiritual purification and cord cutting are some tools that can keep the vampires away!

How to Become Psychic offers advice and a selection of books on re-awakening our natural psychic abilities.

Psychic Powers and Mediumship examines the nature and various aspects of psychic powers and mediumship and gives practical advice for the development of these natural faculties.

Self-Hypnosis for Psychic Development presents a self-hypnotic procedure designed to re-awaken our innate psychism by re-programming the subconscious.

Edgar Cayce - Healer and Psychic describes the life and work of Edgar Cayce, the famous and prolific American healer and psychic. Adapted from a Wikipedia article.

Gambling and psi How you can use your innate psychic abilities to bring success in gambling of various kinds.

Psychic Readings discusses professional psychics and advises how to get the best from psychic readings.

Channeling Spirit Guides Bob Makransky discusses thought forms, spirit guides, and other beings which can be channeled, together with a simple technique for consciously channeling them.

Official Police Policy and the Use of Psychics T Stokes describes how the use and abuse of psychics and sensitives by both open government and anonymous research establishments which are secretly government funded, and often allied to the military, is a real morality problem area for psychics.

Psychic Abuse - and how to avoid it by T Stokes. Simple guidelines on obtaining a genuine psychic reading.

Warning on Psychic Malpractise T Stokes offers practical advice on the avoidance of psychic malpractise.

Morality of Money for Psychic Readings? T Stokes reflects on the relationship between materialism and spirituality.

Scientists and Psychic Antennae T Stokes describes how deeply emotional traumas will imprint and embed themselves into the very fabric of a building, waiting to be picked-up by psychics and senstitives.

new age spirituality is compiled by abracad