new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Each Great Faith Works

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, healing, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q: How is it possible for each of the great faiths to work?  I am still having trouble with this.

A: It is a matter of belief; if you take as true or work for something hard enough and the energy is aligned with universal potential- it happens.  By making the statement, the great faiths work, we mean, prayers are granted and these faiths help people draw closer to the Absolute.

Researchers have begun to examine the relationship between prayer, belief and spontaneous healing.  They are questioning people who have been ‘miraculously’ healed after going to a holy man/woman or famous shrine; the researchers are trying to identify the factors that are operating.  Their hypothesis is focused on belief and what happens, phenomenally, when we strongly believe something; testing energy patterns, brain waves and questioning eyewitnesses. (more…)


The Simple Truth In Relation To Conspiracy Theories And The Anunnaki

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

by Gabriel of Urantia

Millions of people listen to YouTube channels on the Internet. So in a very real way, we have a variety of Internet journalists who affect the mass consciousness of those who listen to them on a daily basis, just like millions of Americans listen to the nightly news through ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Fox. These two views of reality—independent Internet commentators and mainstream journalism—are diametrically opposite each other in many ways.

A recent example of these two extreme views was around the landing of the Mars explorer. I watched the corporate television news coverage, and when the explorer landed successfully on barren, uninhabited Mars, at least a hundred people at NASA’s flight control center in Houston, Texas stood up and congratulated one another with hugs, the shaking of hands, kisses, and high-fives for this accomplishment of a United States probe soft-landing on Mars.

At the same time, some Internet journalists and conspiracy theorists are claiming that millions of people have been taken to the moon, Mars, and other planets, where we have colonies. They claim that there are people being born in these colonies who have never seen the earth and that we have had this advanced technology to colonize other worlds since the 1950s. Some also claim that extraterrestrial communication has existed even longer, like with the Nazis prior to World War II. (more…)


What You Believe

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Each society and age develops specific ideas, beliefs and goals around which to base their culture. These beliefs and goals in time become assumptions about life and operating principles. Rarely are these beliefs and goals questioned and the community is organized formally and informally around them.

In order for the culture to be successful, a majority of people must agree these things are true or important. Specific beliefs and goals then become both internally and externally accepted.  Anyone questioning these operating principles will be subject to sanctions or pressure from family, friends or themselves. Sometimes these sanctions will be in the form of punishments from the larger society or feelings of personal guilt. (more…)


How to Correct World Wide Imbalances & Atrocities?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Over the last 2 days I have read 3 articles on the internet that have caused me sorrow and concern. The first was about climate change and how weather conditions will continue to erode becoming more dangerous and destructive unless we take immediate action. The second was on how across the world there has been ongoing genocide of women indicating over recent time more than 200 million women have disappeared; this being due to men treating women as less than human. The third was about the sex scandal and ongoing cover-up in the Catholic church and how the writer, who lives in Baltimore, could no longer consider herself catholic and go to mass; not knowing who or what to believe.

I must say I am reeling from these articles and if what they report is accurate- what the hell is going on? What is happening to our world? (more…)


Spiritual University: How to Lead an Original Life

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

In any form of learning, travelers require a structure. If you wish to live an original life and fulfill your own, individual destiny, follow these principles.



Unlearning & Conditioning

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Traveler: It is said, that in order for the spiritual traveler to reach their goal, first, they must unlearn much of what they have been taught. What is meant by this?

Master: Each person’s consciousness is a mosaic; a series of shifting patterns. Some thoughts arise from our biologic nature, directed at physical survival and caring for the body. Other thoughts are tied to emotions, and expressing our self in the world. Still others arise from specific operating principles, beliefs, and rules of conduct prevalent in our society. These codes and unwritten rules are necessary to maintain social order and daily life. In many ways, these thoughts form the fabric of each day and allow for orderly social patterns. (more…)


Mitakuye Oyasin

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, spiritual politics, spirituality

The Wisdom of the Ancient Ancestors Moving Into the Twenty-first Century

by Gabriel of Urantia

Throughout history, the wisdom of the ancestors of many indigenous peoples has been passed on, generation after generation, family after family.  As we look at the crises happening across our strife-torn world today, we find ourselves searching like never before for solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems.  Yet I believe the ancient ones had a key:  in Lakota it is said, “Mi Ta Ku Ye   O Ya Sin,” — “we are all related.” (more…)


The World

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, purpose, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q:   Why does the world as we know it exist?

A:   The world is a magnificent cornucopia, filled with wondrous and delightful items. Here we can find exactly what we are looking for.  If we seek enjoyment of the senses, there are many opportunities. Similarly if we seek to learn and draw closer to our higher self, this opportunity exists as well.

In part, the earth phase of our existence is an opportunity to learn, create and experience all the parts of self and grow closer to that which we wish to become. (more…)



abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

Niánn Emerson Chase

There are so many challenges we human beings have to face and resolve in order to have a life of dignity, purpose, fulfillment, and happiness. In many places on the planet millions of people have much to overcome in order to merely stay alive; they don't even consider improving the quality of their lives, just that they physically survive another hour or another day.

In considering my own overcoming-and-transcending processes throughout the years, I have come to the conclusion that the largest blockage to my peace of mind and enjoyment of life has been myself.

The Smeagol-Gollum Syndrome

One of the most notable characters in The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings books by J.R.R. Tolkien, which were also made into a series of movies, is the creature Gollum who was consumed with getting his "preciousssss" back. When the good and sincere hobbit, Frodo, met Gollum, he recognized something in him. Frodo recognized that at one time Gollum had been a more comely, kinder, lovable personality. In fact, Gollum belonged to a people similar to the gentle hobbits. What happened to Gollum? What circumstances and choices led to Gollum's monstrous physical appearance and his pitifully devious and deadly ways? (more…)


How can we receive guiding visions from the Universe?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Sara Wiseman

When you start to to follow Divine guidance, you begin to experience life differently.

You recognize that all the plans you have made and all the thoughts you are thinking are ways of moving through this reality we call life.

This is the way most of the world moves.

But you also realize that this left brain, rational way of thinking is not the only way you can walk your path.

There is another option.

You can follow your intuition. Or better put: You can allow yourself to be guided. (more…)
