new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

The Big Squeeze Is On, Between Right And Wrong, Between Good And Bad

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, religion, spirituality

You Can Hop A Ride On Planet X (Also Called The Adjudicator) Or You Can Hop A Ride On The New Jerusalem. It’s Your Choice

They’re Both Coming To A Local Pickup Location Near You

by Gabriel of Urantia

Well, here we are in August of 2020. The summer is half over, and our lives definitely seem to be moving faster towards some kind of inevitable end. The whole world we know seems to be dissolving, and many of us are sensing something accelerating in our lives, like we are being pulled in a direction we have no control over.

We all realize that someday we will die, for that is the fate of living things on this world. There are many ways in which we can meet death at this time on the planet:  the Covid-19 (or the next one that mutates), earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and countless other so-called natural disasters, which may not be so natural in these turbulent times. And even more frightening is the threat of a world war of nuclear proportions. (more…)


Harmonic Duality within Divine Circuitry

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics, spirituality

By Niánn Emerson Chase

There is a building wave of multiple planetary movements working toward compassionate understanding of others, nonviolent solutions to our many problems, peaceful unification of nations, and an integrative and regenerative existence of humans with the planet’s natural ecosystems.

Within that wave of movements for worldwide sustainability on all levels of human existence are the Me Too and LGBTQ movements, which have to do with gender identification, respect, and equality. The last three years witnessed an almost-instant rise in power and influence of these two movements, impacting every aspect of the dominant culture, including new legislation of laws protecting the rights and dignity of women and those who have lifestyles that do not include straight heterosexuality. (more…)


Renderings of Realizations

abracad, · Categories: environment, externally authored, spirituality

by Niánn Emerson Chase

It has always impressed me, in my study of the life of Jesus (as found in The URANTIA Book), that he often spent time in nature, away from the energies of busy towns and bustling people. In a family of several children, as the eldest son—who (at the age of 14) took the place of a father figure when their father Joseph died in a work-related accident—Jesus often took his younger siblings out on walks in the surrounding hills, pointing out various things they came across, teaching the children not only about the scientific facts of the natural world but also bringing in practical, moral, and spiritual lessons that related to what they observed in nature. (more…)


Reflections on The Super Bowl Halftime Show

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Gabriel of Urantia

I wonder how that show would have been produced if Jesus Christ would have been the producer, or at least would have stood beside the producer while he or she produced the show. I wonder what the wardrobe would have looked like, what the songs would have been.

I understand that Jennifer Lopez prayed, with her daughter and others, before she went out on stage, so I wondered why she showed her crotch so many times, like she was a woman possessed with showing the world that crotch was still there.

I wonder why she danced like a hussy, when her voice is so beautiful. Her sexual display actually took away from her God-given beautiful voice and made her look cheap in the eyes of any truly godly man or woman. Same thing goes for Shakira. She too has a beautiful voice, but she too has become lost in the Hollywood Delusion. (more…)


Lost Civilization Re-emerges

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, meditation, spirituality

By William T. Hathaway

In the early 1950s, as the newly developed hydrogen bomb cast its mushroom-shaped shadow of megadeath over the world, an aged Indian monk gave his young assistant a mission: create world peace and enlightenment by restoring the ancient global Vedic civilization. The young man was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and he accepted the responsibility wholeheartedly, fully aware of what an enormous job it was.

Contemporary civilization is in many ways the opposite of Vedic civilization, filled with multifarious forms of damage and suffering that seem to be avalanching us towards annihilation. Vedic civilization, in contrast, had achieved what seems impossible to us now: collective harmony and individual fulfillment. (more…)


5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

In this article, we will be briefly exploring five stages of spiritual development. By being able to identify critical moments in our transcendental journey, we will be able to dive deeper into the unconscious and use it as a resource for understanding ourselves.

Just as our consciousness is only the tip of the iceberg, it is crucial to understand that our spiritual journey forms part of our growth as human beings. Given that we can know which tier we're currently in, we will have the capability to go higher.

As such, here are the five key stages for spiritual awakening (more…)


Balanced Living

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Q: How do I balance the physical, mental and spiritual?

A: In order to live a complete life, a life that is tuned to your higher destiny, you must participate in the world and, at times, spiritually withdrawn. Each person is created with a multitude of talents, emotions, hopes and dreams. Each person is an ocean with vast depths of undiscovered marine life, organisms, valleys, peaks and wrecked ships with treasure. All of these capacities, with training and opportunity have the potential for expression.

The key to a balanced life is moderation, expression of the many parts of self and following a spiritual path to completion. We came into the earth phase to do and be many things. A balanced life is working in the world, sharing a family, contributing to the benefit of others, seeing each day as an opportunity to grow closer to your lasting self, and serving Truth. (more…)


Can Two Things, Seemingly Different, Be True At The Same Time?

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

Yes. Have you ever gotten into a discussion with your significant other where both were at polar opposites? For example one wishes to paint the house and the other does not. In this situation, we are not considering if the house needs paint, to what degree and by which standard but simply if the people involved want it painted. In this scenario there is no correct answer and in time a compromise is reached, one gives into another or the matter remains unresolved.

Now one of the characteristics of indoctrination systems, is they foster particular beliefs and state others who disagree are incorrect. Each will claim that they are “really right.” This type of belief system is rigid with little room for difference and is the most difficult to engage in compromise. Examples of indoctrination systems exist within political, religious and extremist groups. Followers of indoctrination systems often oppose anyone who does not believe similarly.

One might think that indoctrinated people are single minded extremists and maybe a bit crazy. Therefore due to their beliefs, it would be easy to recognize, discount or even marginalize them. However, this is not always so, because sometimes we are the indoctrinated. What makes indoctrination so insidious is that we are often unaware of our own intolerance, prejudice, feelings of privilege and dogmatism. (more…)


BE AWARE for Goodness Sake!

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spiritual politics, spirituality

By Niann Emerson Chase

I am aware of how messed up our world is in many ways and have written numerous articles about the complex problems of our planet. In those same articles I have included hope for opportunities to solve problems and change things for the better because I am at heart an optimist—a realistic optimist who appreciates the practical application of scientific, philosophical, and spiritual facts and ideals in day-to-day life.

Why am I such an optimist when I am so aware of evil (yes, I dare to use the e word)? Because I am also aware of the presence and power of goodness—goodness residing deep within individual persons and goodness in various groups aimed at improving some aspect of civilization. In fact, I believe that there is a pattern of goodness present on our planet, a reservoir of potential goodness for us humans to pull from.

I think that a divine pattern is present in the particles of space as well as in the particles on this world, a pattern that can partially be seen through telescopes and microscopes. And this divine pattern—cosmic and earthly, huge and humble—is always good and beautiful. (Yeah, yeah, this is getting to sound a little too metaphysical. But hang in there. I think this is important to explore a bit.) (more…)


How To Develop Your Spirituality By Writing

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

by Freddie Tubbs

Everyone writes - some for money, some for fame, some because it’s their job. However, all people write for deeper reasons, reasons that steer more towards the existential and less towards the material.

Writing is not a necessary skill in most of the jobs, disciplines and in life in general. However, it’s something we do for deeper, more profound reasons. You don’t have to be a professional writer. You don’t have to make a bestseller list. You don’t have to make money on it  or any other similar reason.

However, you can write to have a happier, more inspired and whole life. (more…)
