new age spirituality

finding purpose in infinite reality

Spiritual Traveler: Form to Essence

abracad, · Categories: externally authored, spirituality

By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff

At the beginning I was mistaken in four ways. I sought to remember God, to know Him, and to seek Him. When I had come to the end, I saw that He had remembered me before I remembered Him, that His knowledge of me had preceded my knowledge of Him, His love toward me had existed before my love to Him, and He had sought me before I sought Him.*

Bayazid Bistami


This striking quote by the Sufi Bayazid indicates that the spiritual search is comprised of 2 actions or journeys; the first journey being the traveler’s action toward the goal and the second that action of the goal or teaching upon the traveler: this second action being the saving Grace.

Today many western spiritual travelers are unaware that their journey is comprised of this multi-dimensional aspect. Mistakenly some equate success only with personal effort, believing the harder he/she tries the greater their chance of enlightenment.  Randomly sampling paths and exercises, going from the outer world inward, seeking to connect with their own inner, spiritual center; often this first part of the journey takes a physical form: exercises, prayers, reading books, personal discipline and doing good works.

As Bayazid indicates, after a period of preparation, this second action - the movement of the goal toward the traveler- is bestowed, coming forward naturally, enriching daily life.  For this to happen, it is most productive when there is contact with a teacher and school, who through the Grace of the Path, facilitate energy release and connection to the higher element.

In our western culture, many are still unfamiliar with the subtleties of eastern spiritual training. The traveler wishing to make the journey from form to essence, in addition to overcoming personal and societal obstacles must also come to terms with this dimensional factor: eventually realizing success is based upon a combination of organized effort and Divine Love; and Love is bestowed not earned.

In this writing we will discuss some key elements of the spiritual journey and further prepare the ground work for personal realization of the Beloved’s timeless caress.

Proliferation of Guides

Nowadays when the traveler goes into any large bookstore one of the things which becomes apparent is that there is a surplus of people writing about their own spiritual experience, and how to travel inward.  It seems just about everyone has a book, personal method and set of exercises to complete the journey; for the most part, in good faith, these authors wish to share a blueprint that has worked for them.

This abundance of paths and methods, for the average traveler is confusing.  I can remember my first experience entering the largest spiritual bookstore inNew York Cityand being completely overwhelmed by the number of paths and books which were available. I didn’t know where to begin.

So much written material occurs as a result of the following reasons. Often these books fall into the category of preparatory material or action of traveler toward the goal.

Hence we hear an often repeated remark, ‘I’m tired of all these self-help books that really don’t help anyone. I want experience that works.

The Great Hunger

Within every one there is an empty space which often manifests as a hunger or unease. On some level, each of us feels there is a missing piece and we all go about our lives trying to fill it.


All of us are spiritual beings who have taken on a physical body, with a spiritual center that knows the way home. This spiritual center, or heart, is always connected to the sacred.  The traveler must learn to still that part which is tied to the world and listen to that which is tuned to the Higher. This is termed ‘remembering.’ This connection is enhanced as the traveler learns in the presence of a teaching Master. Often this learning facilitates the second dimension to the journey.


In our western culture, we are at the frontier of spiritual learning, just becoming aware of eastern paths and traditions that have long connected travelers with the Divine.  Similarly we are witnessing an explosion of new age teaching and interest in the spiritual.  As well, science has joined in this search for the underlying unity or life energy in the universe.

For the mystic, this quest has long been a journey from form to essence; where everything is connected in the primordial energy of Oneness and with proper training experienced through daily life. And in this journey, the operative or saving Grace has always been – the movement of the Beloved toward the traveler.

*Bistami, Rumi and Khawwas quote taken from: James Fadiman & Robert Frager, Essential Sufism, HarperCollins Publisher, 1997.

Check-out my two new books: Sufism for Western Seekers: Path of the Spiritual Traveler in Everyday Life and The Ferryman’s Dream.  Both books are available through or local bookstore.

** If you are interested in learning more about The Golden Path, The Superhighway to God/Light, familiarize yourself with these 2 books and contact


Filed in: externally authored, spirituality

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