new age spirituality

Why Am I Here?

What is the Real Meaning of Life?

These are questions that we must all have asked ourselves at some time or another in our lives.

Perhaps during a dark period when overwhelmed with problems we queried why we were born to undergo such torment. Or maybe even at a time of blissful happiness and contentment, when things couldn't be going better, there remained a nagging doubt deep inside that reminded us that or joys will be all too short-lived and that eventually we shall have to leave them behind.

Our instinctive understanding of why we're here is to seek success. To achieve as highly as we possibly can. And the environment into which we're born encourages this relentlessly. In infancy we are taken from the security of our family and thrust into an institution that drives us to academic success. And while we're in school we're persuaded of the merits of competitive sport. Winning s everything, or so we are led to believe.

Later in life success brings material comfort. The more successful we are the bigger house we can live in, the faster car we can drive, the more exotic our holidays etc etc. And while money obviously isn't everything, we do all enjoy the things it can buy. So, something deep within our make-up drives us to material success, if only to lift us from the necessity of making a living, thereby freeing us for more satisfying activity.

But someday of course our fragile, fallible, body will (literally) "give up the ghost", and our earthly accumulations shall cease to have meaning. Though we may leave behind a legacy of achievements and possessions, when our bones lie beneath six feet of earth there is no longer any distinction between president and pauper.

What about service to others? Those who devote their lives to improving the human condition in any way, shape or form are likely to achieve greater recognition and be remembered more than purely self-serving materialists. Take the Nobel Prize winner Mother Teresa as just one example of supreme self-sacrifice. Indeed virtually all Spiritual and religious philosophies emphasise the importance of serving others.

Service leaves one with a warm glow of satisfaction that self-indulgence cannot provide. And it certainly does bear witness that we are all part of the one great wholeness. But is service in itself the true purpose of our existence?

In fact (honestly acquired) wealth and greatness of service can happily co-exist. It is a feature of market economics that those who most benefit others will generally earn the greatest profits.

If we accept that we are Spiritual entities temporarily clothed in flesh for the duration of our physical existence, then what is it that we retain once we leave our earthly bodies behind? Of course it is all the things we have experienced and learned during our adventure.

Though success and service are noble aims, the primary purpose of this existence is to gain experience. Success and service are simply routes by which experience may be broadened and deepened.

Every one of us is unique. Each is here to pursue his/her own pathway, to make his/her own mistakes, and to learn his/her own lessons. In our own way we each contribute to the relentless growth of the oneness we know as God. If any two had the same goals there would be no need for both to be here. Avoid the common error of trying to walk another's path. You cannot, nor should you waste your own precious life energy trying. Part of our purpose is to try to understand our particular pathway so we can best try to fulfil it.

Embrace life. Embrace your uniqueness, both its joys and challenges. Know yourself; discover your purpose. Live life to the full, each precious second, in the sure knowledge there is no such thing as 'bad' experience.