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Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers by Swami Bhakta Vishita


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Analogies on the Physical Plane.

We may find many correspondences on the physical plane to serve as illustrations of the phenomena of Past Time Clairvoyance, if we will but look for them. For instance, when we withdraw a heated stove from a room, the heat remains in the room. Likewise, though a woman bearing the odor of a certain perfume on her clothing may have passed from a house, the odor still lingers there. The wake of an ocean steamer is often visible for hours after the ship has passed from sight. As modern science expressed it: "Causes continue to exist in their Effects."

Thousand-Year-Old Light.

But we have a much more striking illustration and correspondence in the case of the transmission of light from the distant stars, which we will do well to carefully consider. Light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second. A "light-year," as known to astronomers, means the distance traversed by a light wave (at the stated rate of travel) during the period of one of our earth years. Some of the distant stars are estimated to be fully one thousand light-years distant from us; or, in other words, the light we now perceive as coming from them really is the light that left them one thousand years ago. If one of these stars were to be destroyed, observers on this earth would not become aware of it for a thousand years. The star whose light we may now perceive may actually have been destroyed nearly one thousand years ago. Other stars are only one hundred light-years removed from us in space; others only a few years; others only a few hours. But the principle is just the same in all cases, namely, that we see the stars not as they are at the present moment, but as they were when the light left them, perhaps many years ago. Thus, as you see, we may actually perceive events long after their happening.

Reading the Light Waves.

Now, if our physical vision was sufficiently powerful to magnify objects on the stars, or if we had instruments to do this for us, we could actually witness scenes, objects, persons and events which had passed out of existence a thousand years ago. Their records are present in these light waves from the stars, and all that is needed is an eye or a telescope sufficiently strong to register them upon our mind. In a fanciful story written by Camille Flammarion, the French astronomer, many years ago, the principal character relates how, traveling in the astral body, he was able to witness the events of the French Revolution which had occurred many years before, by simply proceeding to the necessary distance from the earth and there perceiving the registered records in the earth's light-waves traveling through space at the rate of 186,000 miles a second. In fact, by getting at the right distance he was able to see even the events of his own childhood and youth, every event of his life, in fact, up to the moment of his leaving the earth. This story, fanciful as it is, nevertheless is based upon scientific facts, and its happenings would be quite possible for a being capable of traveling at a sufficiently rapid rate through space, and also possessed of the power of magnifying the records of light rays. In fact, a person on earth possessing the power of Distant Clairvoyance might be able to duplicate these feats, providing he were able to come in rapport contact with one of these light-waves bearing the past-time records. Think for a moment, and you will grasp the point of this statement.
