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How to Read the Crystal by Sepharial


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EARTHLY SIGNS.--Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

ECLIPSE.--An obscuration of a heavenly body, owing to the interposition of another. The Moon in the shadow of the Sun is eclipsed.

ECLIPTIC.--The circle of the heavens which the Sun appears to describe in the course of the year, in consequence of the earth's motion round him.

ELEVATED.--The planet nearest to the mid-heaven is elevated over any other.

EPHEMERIS.--A Table for each day, giving the latitude and longitude of the planets. "Raphael's" _Ephemeris_, price 1s., is considered the best. It is all that is needed to cast the horoscope.

EQUINOCTIAL SIGNS.--Aries and Libra.

EXALTATION.--There are certain houses in which a planet is exalted, as follows: Sun, Aries; Moon, Taurus; Mercury, Gemini; Jupiter, Cancer; Saturn, Libra; Mars, Capricorn; Venus, Pisces.

FALL.--When a planet is in a sign opposite to its exaltation, it is weak.

FEMININE SIGNS.--The odd signs, as Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

FIERY SIGNS.--Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

FIGURE.--A map of the heavens is called by astrologers a figure.

FIXED SIGNS.--Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

FORTUNES.--Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun when well placed.

FRUITFUL SIGNS.--Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

GEMINI.--The third sign, or house of Mercury. The Sun enters the sign about 21st May.

GENETHLIACAL.--That which applies to the geneture in nativity.

GEOCENTRIC.--As viewed from the centre of the earth.

GELIOCENTRIC.--As seen from or having reference to the centre of the Sun.

HOUSES.--One of the twelve divisions of the zodiac.

IMUM COELE.--The fourth house, or lower meridian.

INCREASING IN LIGHT.--When the Moon or any planet is leaving the Sun, until the opposition is reached.

INFORTUNES.--Saturn, Mars, and Uranus when afflicted.

INTERCEPTED.--A sign lying between the cusp of two houses.

LATITUDE.--The distance of any planet north or south of the ecliptic.

LEO.--The fifth sign in the zodiac; the house of the Sun.

LIBRA.--The seventh sign and house of Venus.

LOGARITHMS.--Of great use to astrologers. A Table of artificial numbers; to be found at the back of "Raphael's" _Ephemeris_.

LONGITUDE.--The angular distance of a heavenly body from the first point of Aries, measured from the ecliptic as seen from the earth.

LORD.--The ruler of a sign or house. Mars is the lord of Aries, and if Aries was in Ascendant, it would be lord and ruler.

LUMINARIES.--The Sun and Moon.

LUNATION.--A lunar period.

MALEFICS.--See Infortunes.

MASCULINE SIGNS.--Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

MASCULINE PLANETS.--Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

MODERN ASTROLOGY.--A monthly magazine of interest to all thinkers.

NORTHERN SIGNS.--Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo.

OCCIDENTAL.--The western portion of the map.

OPPOSITION.--When two planets are opposite each other, or 180° distant.

ORBS.--The orbs of the planets are the number of degrees allowed to each in which their influence is felt. Five degrees all round is the safest number to give.

ORIENTAL.--When a planet is in the eastern part of the heavens.

PARALLELS.--The declination north or south of the equator. It is a position considered of the nature of a conjunction.

PART OF FORTUNE.--A point in the horoscope where the rays of the Sun and Moon converge.

PISCES.--The twelfth sign of the zodiac. QUERENT.--One who asks a horary question.

QUESITED.--The one enquired about.

QUINTILE.--An aspect of 72° in longitude.

RADICAL.--That which is connected with the radix, or root, dealing with the horoscope.

RECEPTION.--The planet that receives the aspect.

RECTIFICATION.--A method by which the true Ascendant is discovered.

RETROGRADE.--An apparent motion of a planet that is not in the order of the signs.

REVOLUTIONS.--A solar revolution is the return of the Sun to its place at birth.

SAGITTARUS.--The ninth sign of the zodiac.

SCHEME.--A map of the heavens.

SEMI-SEXTILE.--A difference of 300 in longitude; a weak, good aspect.

SEMI-SQUARE.--An aspect of 450 difference in longitude; an evil aspect.

SEPARATION.--When a planet is separating from another.

SESQUIQUADRATE.--An evil aspect being a difference of 1350 in longitude.

SEXTILE.--A good aspect, a difference of 60° in longitude.

SIGNIFICATION.--The ruling planet, or word, of the Ascendant.

SOUTHERN SIGNS.--Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

SPECULUM.--A Table of the aspects in the horoscope.

STATIONARY.--When a planet appears to have no motion, it is said to be stationary.

SUCCEDENT.--Those houses which follow the angles. The second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh.

TABLE OF HOUSES.--A Table for calculating nativities.

TAURUS.--The second sign of the zodiac and the house of Venus.

TRANSITS.--The passing of the planets over places or points in the horoscopes by daily motion, as seen from the Ephemeris.

TRINE.--A good aspect; a difference of 120° in longitude.

URANUS.--The name given to the planet Uranus, or Herschel.

VIRGO.--The sixth sign in the zodiac; the house of Mercury.

ZENITH.--The point directly overhead. The pole of the horizon.

ZODIAC.--The belt of the heavens containing the twelve signs, divided into 300 parts each, making 3600.

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